Days of the week

The days of the week in Spanish are an essential part of basic vocabulary. Unlike English, Spanish days of the week are not capitalized unless they begin a sentence. Here’s a helpful guide to using and understanding the days of the week in Spanish.

The Seven Days

  1. lunes – Monday
  2. martes – Tuesday
  3. miércoles – Wednesday
  4. jueves – Thursday
  5. viernes – Friday
  6. sábado – Saturday
  7. domingo – Sunday

Usage and Grammar

  1. Definite Article: When referring to a specific day, use the definite article “el” before the day:
    • el lunes (on Monday)
    • el martes (on Tuesday)
  2. Pluralization: To say “on Mondays” or “every Monday,” use the plural form with “los”:
    • los lunes (on Mondays)
    • los martes (on Tuesdays)
  3. No Capitalization: Unlike in English, the days of the week are not capitalized in Spanish unless they start a sentence.
  4. Abbreviations: Common abbreviations are:
    • lun. (lunes)
    • mar. (martes)
    • mié. (miércoles)
    • jue. (jueves)
    • vie. (viernes)
    • sáb. (sábado)
    • dom. (domingo)
  5. Origin: Most Spanish day names come from Latin and reference Roman gods or celestial bodies:
    • martes (Mars), miércoles (Mercury), jueves (Jupiter), viernes (Venus)
  6. Weekend: The weekend is “el fin de semana,” comprising sábado and domingo.

Remember, practice and consistent use will help you master the days of the week in Spanish!

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