Describing someone’s physical appearance is a valuable skill in any language. Let’s explore key vocabulary and phrases to help you articulate various physical characteristics effectively in Spanish. ¡Vamos a describir! (Let’s describe!)
Height and Build
- Alto/a: Tall
- Bajo/a: Short
- Delgado/a: Thin, slim
- Gordo/a: Fat, overweight
- Esbelto/a: Slender
- Corpulento/a: Stocky, burly
- De estatura media: Of average height
- Rubio/a: Blonde
- Moreno/a: Dark-haired
- Castaño/a: Brown-haired
- Pelirrojo/a: Redhead
- Canoso/a: Gray-haired
Style and Texture
- Largo/a: Long
- Corto/a: Short
- Rizado/a: Curly
- Liso/a: Straight
- Ondulado/a: Wavy
- Calvo/a: Bald
- Ojos azules: Blue eyes
- Ojos marrones: Brown eyes
- Ojos verdes: Green eyes
- Ojos grises: Gray eyes
- Ojos negros: Black eyes
Shape and Expression
- Ojos grandes: Big eyes
- Ojos pequeños: Small eyes
- Ojos rasgados: Almond-shaped eyes
- Ojos expresivos: Expressive eyes
Facial Features
- Nariz grande: Big nose
- Nariz respingona: Upturned nose
- Labios gruesos: Thick lips
- Labios finos: Thin lips
- Cara redonda: Round face
- Cara ovalada: Oval face
- Pómulos pronunciados: High cheekbones
- Barbilla puntiaguda: Pointed chin
- Frente amplia: Broad forehead
Putting It All Together
When describing someone’s appearance, start with general characteristics and then move on to specific features. For example:
“Es una mujer alta y delgada, de pelo rubio y largo. Tiene ojos azules y una nariz pequeña. Su cara es ovalada con labios finos.”
(She is a tall, thin woman with long blonde hair. She has blue eyes and a small nose. Her face is oval with thin lips.)
- In Spanish, adjectives usually come after the noun they modify.
- Adjectives must agree in gender and number with the noun they describe.
Practice regularly to become fluent in describing physical appearances in Spanish! Don’t be afraid to experiment with different vocabulary and phrases to paint a vivid picture with your words. ¡Hasta luego!