Student Success Story – Edmund

My goal with learning Spanish was to get fluent enough to move to Colombia and be able to have easy conversations with native speakers.

For me, speaking another language is like a superpower.

But I had tried learning other languages in the past – Mandarin and Tagalog (Philippino) – but I could never solidify it because I had no one to practice with.

More recently I started learning Spanish. As I want to live in a Spanish-speaking country I really had to up my game!

So I wanted to do it right this time – with great teachers and unlimited Spanish lessons to get plenty of conversational practice.

Like most people, I started out learning Spanish with apps. It helps develop vocabulary and basic grammar. 

But the disadvantage is not being able to speak with anyone.

Then I tried italki. That helped a lot because I could converse with a real teacher. The disadvantage is it’s kind of expensive. And sometimes it lacks structure. A teacher will assume that you’ve learned something and move on to the next topic, but to really master something, you need to practice. And that was missing with italki.

After learning grammar and structure, the biggest challenge I have is understanding real conversations. And that’s where a lot of conversational practice comes in. So I wanted to get unlimited Spanish lessons to get a ton of practice.

I was looking around for a great Spanish school that offers unlimited lessons. Then a friend recommended LingoToGo.

LingoToGo is great because they have a structured curriculum, and I get as much conversational practice as I want.

Taking lessons with LingoToGo has helped me solidify my Spanish. There are a lot of tricks I’ve learned from the professional teachers that you just cannot get from a regular native speaker, because they don’t know how to teach the grammar. 

And going more in-depth to some grammar topics that I already sort-of knew has helped me a lot.

One of the best things about studying with LingoToGo has been the convenience. They always had the hours available I wanted for classes.

All the teachers are friendly and know what they’re talking about. Which makes a big difference. 

And professional! I say this because I’ve had experiences on other platforms where teachers will stop the class to take a phone call. I’ve paid for the class and they’re taking a personal call! In contrast, I’ve had very professional experiences with all the LingoToGo teachers.

I’ve been taking Spanish lessons with LingoToGo for two months, and everything’s clearer now.

My advice to people wanting to learn Spanish is to take it slow and practice. Lots of practice! It’s worth repeating topics and practicing them in conversations until they just become second nature. 

I love the way that LingoToGo has a structure, but they can easily break out of that structure when that is what I need in the moment to learn. We always do what I need to learn best. Then in the next lesson we can pick up on the structured topic again.

And I like the way the LingoToGo teachers always check where I’m at with a given topic. They don’t push me to move on until I’m really comfortable with what I’ve learned so far. 

That has helped to make things more engaging, more fun and help it stick better in my head.

So, now I have my plans made to move to Colombia this month!

Edmund, Accountant, LingoToGo Student

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