Spanish Adjectives Starting with N

Want to add some flair to your Spanish conversations? Adjectives are your secret weapon! They bring your descriptions to life and make your sentences more interesting. Today, we’re focusing on adjectives that start with “N” – a fantastic way to expand your vocabulary and sound more like a native speaker.

Common Adjectives You’ll Need

Spanish Word (Gender)English TranslationExample Sentence
Nacional (m/f)NationalEl himno nacional es muy emotivo. (The national anthem is very moving.)
Natural (m/f)NaturalPrefiero usar productos de belleza naturales. (I prefer to use natural beauty products.)
Necesario/a (m/f)NecessaryEs necesario llevar pasaporte para viajar al extranjero. (It is necessary to carry a passport to travel abroad.)
Negativo/a (m/f)NegativeNo seas tan negativo/a, ¡todo saldrá bien! (Don’t be so negative, everything will be fine!)
Nervioso/a (m/f)NervousMe pongo nervioso/a cuando tengo que hablar en público. (I get nervous when I have to speak in public.)
Neutro/a (m/f)NeutralEl juez debe ser neutro en todo momento. (The judge must be neutral at all times.)
Nuevo/a (m/f)New¡Tengo un teléfono nuevo! (I have a new phone!)
Normal (m/f)NormalEs normal cometer errores cuando estás aprendiendo un idioma. (It’s normal to make mistakes when you’re learning a language.)
Notable (m/f)Notable, RemarkableHiciste un trabajo notable en la presentación. (You did a remarkable job on the presentation.)
Numeroso/a (m/f)NumerousHay numerosas oportunidades para practicar español en línea. (There are numerous opportunities to practice Spanish online.)

Adjectives to Impress

Spanish Word (Gender)English TranslationExample Sentence
Natal (m/f)Natal, BirthVolví a mi ciudad natal después de muchos años. (I returned to my birth city after many years.)
Nebuloso/a (m/f)Nebulous, CloudyEl cielo está nebuloso hoy. (The sky is cloudy today.)
Nocivo/a (m/f)HarmfulEl estrés puede ser nocivo para la salud. (Stress can be harmful to your health.)
Nómada (m/f)NomadicLas culturas nómadas se desplazan de un lugar a otro. (Nomadic cultures move from one place to another.)
Nostálgico/a (m/f)NostalgicMe siento nostálgico/a cuando recuerdo mi infancia. (I feel nostalgic when I remember my childhood.)
Notorio/a (m/f)NotoriousEs un ladrón notorio en la ciudad. (He is a notorious thief in the city.)
Nutritivo/a (m/f)NutritiousUna dieta nutritiva es esencial para una buena salud. (A nutritious diet is essential for good health.)

¡Excelente! Now you have a wider range of adjectives to use in your Spanish conversations. Remember to practice using them in different contexts to really make them stick. ¡Sigue adelante!

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