¡Ñoño! Spanish Words That Start with Ñ

Are you curious about Spanish words that start with ñ? You’re in for a treat! This guide focuses on words beginning with the unique Spanish letter Ñ (N with a tilde or squiggle). While there aren’t many words that start with this letter, they’re essential to know for Spanish learners. Let’s explore these interesting ñ words in Spanish, complete with English translations and example sentences.

Common Spanish Words That Start with Ñ (N with Squiggle)

  1. Ñoño (nerdy, dorky)
  • English translation: nerdy, dorky
  • Example: Mi hermano es un poco ñoño. (My brother is a bit nerdy.)
  • Example: Esa película es demasiado ñoña para mí. (That movie is too dorky for me.)
  1. Ñame (yam)
  • English translation: yam
  • Example: El ñame es un tubérculo nutritivo. (Yam is a nutritious tuber.)
  • Example: En muchos países tropicales se cultiva el ñame. (Yam is cultivated in many tropical countries.)
  1. Ñandú (rhea – a type of large flightless bird)
  • English translation: rhea
  • Example: El ñandú es un ave nativa de Sudamérica. (The rhea is a bird native to South America.)
  • Example: Vimos un ñandú corriendo en la pampa. (We saw a rhea running in the pampas.)
  1. Ñapa (a little extra, freebie – used in some Latin American countries)
  • English translation: little extra, freebie
  • Example: El vendedor me dio una ñapa por mi compra. (The seller gave me a little extra for my purchase.)
  • Example: Siempre pido una ñapa cuando compro fruta. (I always ask for a freebie when I buy fruit.)
  1. Ñoquis (gnocchi – a type of pasta)
  • English translation: gnocchi
  • Example: Me encanta comer ñoquis con salsa de tomate. (I love eating gnocchi with tomato sauce.)
  • Example: Aprendí a hacer ñoquis caseros. (I learned to make homemade gnocchi.)
  1. Ñu (gnu – a type of antelope)
  • English translation: gnu, wildebeest
  • Example: Los ñus migran en grandes manadas. (Gnus migrate in large herds.)
  • Example: Vimos muchos ñus durante nuestro safari. (We saw many wildebeests during our safari.)
  1. Ñora (a type of small, round pepper)
  • English translation: ball pepper, choricero pepper
  • Example: Las ñoras se usan mucho en la cocina española. (Ñoras are widely used in Spanish cuisine.)
  • Example: Necesito ñoras para hacer este plato tradicional. (I need ñoras to make this traditional dish.)
  1. Ñaco (in some countries, refers to an indigenous person – use with caution as it can be derogatory)
  • English translation: indigenous person (potentially offensive)
  • Example: En algunas regiones, ñaco se usa de manera despectiva. (In some regions, ñaco is used in a derogatory way.)
  • Example: Es importante respetar a todas las personas, sin importar su origen. (It’s important to respect all people, regardless of their origin.)
  1. Ñaño/Ñaña (brother/sister – used in some South American countries, especially Ecuador)
  • English translation: brother/sister (colloquial)
  • Example: Mi ñaño menor acaba de graduarse. (My younger brother just graduated.)
  • Example: Voy al cine con mi ñaña. (I’m going to the movies with my sister.)
  1. Ñacurutú (a type of owl found in South America)
    • English translation: Great Horned Owl
    • Example: El ñacurutú es un ave nocturna. (The Great Horned Owl is a nocturnal bird.)
    • Example: Escuchamos el canto del ñacurutú en el bosque. (We heard the Great Horned Owl’s song in the forest.)

Remember, while there aren’t many Spanish words that start with ñ, mastering these words will impress native speakers and enhance your vocabulary. The letter Ñ (n with squiggle) is unique to Spanish and a few other languages, making it a special part of Spanish orthography.

By learning these Spanish words that start with ñ with their English translations, you’re adding a distinctive touch to your language skills. ¡Qué ñoño eres por aprender estas palabras! (How nerdy you are for learning these words – meant as a compliment!)

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