Mastering “De” vs. “Desde” in Spanish

¡Hola, estudiantes! Are you ready to conquer one of the trickiest duos in Spanish grammar? “De” and “desde” both often translate to “from” in English, but understanding their distinct uses is essential for speaking and writing Spanish like a pro. This guide will equip you with the knowledge to use these prepositions confidently.

When to Use “De”

“De” is your go-to preposition for expressing a wide range of relationships, including:

Use CaseExampleEnglish Translation
Origin or SourceSoy de California.I am from California.
PossessionLa casa de mi abuelaMy grandmother’s house
MaterialUn anillo de oroA gold ring
CharacteristicUna mujer de gran inteligenciaA woman of great intelligence
Time (specific)A las dos de la tardeAt two in the afternoon
Part of a WholeUn pedazo de pastelA piece of cake

When to Use “Desde”

“Desde” shines when you need to highlight a starting point, whether in time or space:

Use CaseExampleEnglish Translation
Starting Point in TimeEstudio español desde 2020.I have been studying Spanish since 2020.
Starting Point in SpaceViajamos desde Madrid hasta Barcelona.We traveled from Madrid to Barcelona.
Duration (with “hace”)Vivo aquí desde hace cinco años.I have lived here for five years.
PerspectiveDesde mi punto de vista…From my point of view…

“De” vs. “Desde”: Key Differences

Let’s break down the key distinctions between these two prepositions:


  • De: Pinpoints a specific time. Think hours, days, or moments.
  • Desde: Indicates the beginning of a period or duration of time.


  • De: Shows origin or association with a place.
  • Desde: Emphasizes the starting point of movement or a range.


  • De: Expresses abstract ideas like possession, composition, or characteristics.
  • Desde: Conveys perspectives, viewpoints, or the starting point of an action.

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