Spanish Past Progressive Tense Conjugation

The Spanish past progressive tense, also known as the Pretérito Imperfecto Progresivo, is your time machine for vividly describing actions that were in progress at a specific moment in the past. Imagine yourself setting the scene in a story, providing context for an event, or simply recounting your day – the past progressive tense is your essential tool.

How to Form the Spanish Past Progressive Tense

Creating the past progressive tense is a two-step process:

  1. Conjugate the verb “estar” (to be) in the imperfect tense:
    • Yo estaba
    • Tú estabas
    • Él/Ella/Usted estaba
    • Nosotros/Nosotras estábamos
    • Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes estaban
  2. Add the present participle (gerund) of the main verb:
    • For -ar verbs, replace the “-ar” ending with “-ando” (e.g., “hablar” becomes “hablando”).
    • For -er and -ir verbs, replace the “-er” or “-ir” ending with “-iendo” (e.g., “comer” becomes “comiendo,” and “vivir” becomes “viviendo”).

When to Use the Spanish Past Progressive Tense

  • Describing actions in progress at a specific time in the past: “Estaba leyendo un libro cuando sonó el teléfono.” (I was reading a book when the phone rang.)
  • Setting the scene or providing background information: “El sol brillaba y los pájaros cantaban.” (The sun was shining and the birds were singing.)
  • Expressing interrupted actions: “Estábamos comiendo cuando llegó María.” (We were eating when Maria arrived.)
  • Describing simultaneous actions: “Ella estaba cocinando mientras yo lavaba los platos.” (She was cooking while I was washing the dishes.)

Key Points to Remember

  • Verb types and conjugations: Spanish verbs fall into different categories in the past progressive tense:
    • Regular verbs
    • Spelling-changing verbs
    • Stem-changing verbs
    • Irregular verbs
  • Context is key: The past progressive can sometimes be used to express different nuances of meaning, such as habitual or repeated actions, depending on the context.


  • English: Past Progressive, Imperfect Progressive
  • Spanish: Pretérito Imperfecto Continuo, Copretérito Progresivo

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