Regular -er Verbs in Spanish Future Perfect Tense

The Future Perfect Tense (Futuro Perfecto) is your tool for discussing actions that will have finished at a specific point in the future. For regular -er verbs, forming this tense is a breeze once you know the simple pattern. Let’s dive in to express your future plans with precision.

Building the Future Perfect Tense

Two ingredients make up this tense:

  1. The future tense of haber (to have)
  2. The past participle of your main verb (formed by swapping the -er ending for -ido)

Conjugating haber in the Future Tense

Subject PronounFuture of Haber

Example: Future Perfect of comer (to eat)

Subject PronounFuture Perfect ConjugationTranslation
yohabré comidoI will have eaten
habrás comidoYou will have eaten
él/ella/ustedhabrá comidoHe/She/You will have eaten
nosotros/ashabremos comidoWe will have eaten
ellos/ellas/ustedeshabrán comidoThey/You all will have eaten

Common Regular -er Verbs to Practice With

  • aprender (to learn)
  • beber (to drink)
  • correr (to run)
  • creer (to believe)
  • leer (to read)
  • meter (to put in)
  • prometer (to promise)
  • responder (to respond)
  • vender (to sell)

Putting the Future Perfect into Action

  1. Use it with time expressions like “para” (by), “antes de que” (before), or “cuando” (when) to pinpoint when an action will be done:
    • Para mañana, yo habré aprendido todas las reglas. (By tomorrow, I will have learned all the rules.)
  2. Express probability or guesses about past events, similar to “will have” in English:
    • Habrán comido ya. (They will have eaten already. / I suppose they have already eaten.)

Wrapping Up

The Future Perfect tense for regular -er verbs is straightforward. Master the future of haber and the past participle formation, and you’ll effortlessly express future actions that will be wrapped up by a certain time. Keep practicing with different verbs, and you’ll soon be a Future Perfect pro!


  • English: Regular -ER Verbs in Compound Future
  • Spanish: Verbos Regulares en -ER en Futuro Perfecto, Futuro Compuesto, Futuro Anterior

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