E to IE Stem Changes in Spanish Affirmative Commands

In Spanish, certain verbs undergo stem changes when conjugated in various tenses, including affirmative commands. One common stem change is from ‘e’ to ‘ie’. This article focuses on how these changes apply to affirmative commands (imperative mood) in Spanish.

When Does the E to IE Stem Change Occur?

The E to IE stem change occurs in affirmative commands for:

  • (informal singular ‘you’)
  • Usted (formal singular ‘you’)
  • Ustedes (formal plural ‘you’)

Rules for Different Forms

Tú Commands

For commands, the stem change follows the same pattern as in the present indicative tense.


  • Pensar (to think) → ¡Piensa! (Think!)
  • Cerrar (to close) → ¡Cierra! (Close!)

Usted and Ustedes Commands

For usted and ustedes commands, the stem change follows the pattern of the present subjunctive.


  • Pensar → ¡Piense! (usted) / ¡Piensen! (ustedes)
  • Cerrar → ¡Cierre! (usted) / ¡Cierren! (ustedes)

Common Verbs with E to IE Stem Changes in Commands

  1. Pensar (to think)
    • Tú: ¡Piensa!
    • Usted: ¡Piense!
    • Ustedes: ¡Piensen!
  2. Cerrar (to close)
    • Tú: ¡Cierra!
    • Usted: ¡Cierre!
    • Ustedes: ¡Cierren!
  3. Empezar (to begin)
    • Tú: ¡Empieza!
    • Usted: ¡Empiece!
    • Ustedes: ¡Empiecen!
  4. Querer (to want)
    • Tú: ¡Quiere!
    • Usted: ¡Quiera!
    • Ustedes: ¡Quieran!


Understanding E to IE stem changes in Spanish affirmative commands is crucial for giving accurate instructions or orders. Remember that this change applies to tú, usted, and ustedes forms. Practice with common verbs to internalize this pattern and improve your Spanish command usage. ¡Buena suerte! (Good luck!)


  • English: E to IE Boot Verbs in Imperative Mood, Positive Commands, Direct Commands, Affirmative Imperatives
  • Spanish: Verbos de Cambio Radical E a IE en Imperativo Afirmativo, Modo Imperativo Afirmativo, Mandatos Afirmativos, Órdenes Afirmativas

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