Regular -er Verbs in Spanish Affirmative Commands

Ready to give instructions or make requests in Spanish? Explore the world of affirmative commands with regular -er verbs, the second most common verb group in the language. With consistent patterns and easy-to-follow rules, you’ll be confidently giving orders in no time!

Command Forms: A Quick Guide

Spanish offers four distinct command forms for different levels of formality and number:

  1. Tú (informal singular): Simply use the third-person singular form of the present indicative.
    • Example: “comer” (to eat) → “¡Come!” (Eat!)
  2. Usted (formal singular): Employ the present subjunctive form.
    • Example: “comer” → “¡Coma!” (Eat!)
  3. Ustedes (formal plural): Also utilize the present subjunctive form.
    • Example: “comer” → “¡Coman!” (Eat!)
  4. Vosotros (informal plural, used in Spain): Remove the “-r” from the infinitive and add “-d.”
    • Example: “comer” → “¡Comed!” (Eat!)

Crafting Affirmative Commands: A Simple Recipe

Transforming regular -er verbs into affirmative commands is a breeze. Follow this simple recipe:

  1. Identify the Verb: Start with the infinitive form of the -er verb (e.g., beber, aprender).
  2. Choose the Command Form: Determine the appropriate level of formality and number (tú, usted, ustedes, or vosotros).
  3. Apply the Conjugation Rule: Follow the specific rule for the chosen command form.

Examples in Action

Let’s see these command forms in action:

  • Beber (to drink):
    • Tú: “¡Bebe agua!” (Drink water!)
    • Usted: “¡Beba agua!” (Drink water!)
    • Ustedes: “¡Beban agua!” (Drink water!)
  • Aprender (to learn):
    • Tú: “¡Aprende español!” (Learn Spanish!)
    • Usted: “¡Aprenda español!” (Learn Spanish!)
    • Ustedes: “¡Aprendan español!” (Learn Spanish!)

Important Notes

  • Regularity: These rules apply specifically to regular -er verbs. Irregular verbs may have unique command forms.

By mastering affirmative commands with regular -er verbs, you’ll gain the ability to express your wishes and give instructions clearly and confidently. Practice these forms in various contexts, and soon you’ll be commanding the Spanish language with ease.


  • English: Regular -ER Verbs in Imperative Mood, Positive Commands, Direct Commands, Affirmative Imperatives
  • Spanish: Verbos Regulares en -ER en Imperativo Afirmativo, Modo Imperativo Afirmativo, Mandatos Afirmativos, Órdenes Afirmativas

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