Regular -ir Verbs in Spanish Preterite (Past) Tense

The Spanish Preterite (Pretérito Indefinido), used to express completed actions in the past, is a cornerstone of Spanish grammar. For regular -ir verbs, understanding the conjugation pattern is essential for discussing past events.

Why Master the Preterite of -ir Verbs?

  • Express Completed Actions: Accurately describe actions that happened and ended in the past.
  • Enhance Communication: Speak and write more fluently and naturally in Spanish.
  • Understand Written and Spoken Spanish: Grasp the meaning of past events in conversations and texts.

Conjugation Pattern for Regular -ir Verbs in the Preterite

To conjugate these verbs, follow these simple steps:

  1. Remove: Take off the -ir ending from the infinitive form of the verb.
  2. Add: Attach the following endings based on the subject pronoun:
Subject PronounEnding
yo (I)
tú (you – informal)-iste
él/ella/usted (he/she/you – formal)-ió
nosotros/as (we)-imos
vosotros/as (you all – informal)-isteis
ellos/ellas/ustedes (they/you all – formal)-ieron

Examples of Regular -ir Verbs in the Preterite

Let’s see how this works with some common -ir verbs:

Vivir (to live)vivívivistevivióvivimosvivisteisvivieron
Escribir (to write)escribíescribisteescribióescribimosescribisteisescribieron
Recibir (to receive)recibírecibisterecibiórecibimosrecibisteisrecibieron

Using the Preterite in Context

Here are some examples of how you would use these verbs in sentences:

  • Ayer viví una experiencia increíble. (Yesterday, I lived an incredible experience.)
  • Los estudiantes escribieron un ensayo sobre la historia. (The students wrote an essay about history.)
  • Recibimos muchos regalos en Navidad. (We received many gifts at Christmas.)

Important Considerations

  • Accent Marks: Pay attention to the accent mark on the -ió ending for él/ella/usted. It’s essential for correct pronunciation and spelling.
  • Nosotros/as Form: The -imos ending is the same for both the present and preterite tenses of -ir verbs. Context will help you determine the correct tense.
  • Distinguishing from -ar Verbs: While -er and -ir verbs share preterite endings, they differ from -ar verbs, which have their own set of endings.
  • Irregular Verbs: Many common -ir verbs (like ir, ser, decir) are irregular in the preterite and don’t follow this pattern.

Mastering the conjugation of regular -ir verbs in the preterite tense is a significant step towards fluency in Spanish. Practice with various verbs and use them in context to reinforce your understanding.


  • English: Regular -IR Verbs in Simple Past, Past Simple, Preterite Tense, Past Historic
  • Spanish: Verbos Regulares en -IR en Pretérito Indefinido, Pretérito Perfecto Simple, Pretérito

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