Irregular Verbs in Spanish Future Tense

As you journey deeper into Spanish grammar, you’ll discover that the future tense holds a few surprises. While stem changes are a big part of irregular future tense verbs, there’s more to uncover. This guide will zero in on those completely irregular verbs and give you strategies to conquer all types of irregular future tense verbs in Spanish.

The Truly Irregular Verbs

Some Spanish verbs have future tense forms that break all the rules. These are super important to memorize because they pop up all the time:

  1. Ir (to go):
    • iré, irás, irá, iremos, iréis, irán
  2. Ser (to be):
    • seré, serás, será, seremos, seréis, serán

These verbs keep their unique stems no matter who’s doing the action, and they just tack on the regular future tense endings.

Watch Out for These Stumbles

As you practice, keep an eye out for these common mistakes:

  1. Overdoing It: Don’t apply irregular patterns to regular verbs. They have their own rules!
  2. Missing Accents: Remember those accent marks on the endings for yo, tú, él/ella/usted, and ellos/ellas/ustedes forms – they matter!
  3. Mixing Up Similar Verbs: Some verbs might look alike but have different irregular forms. Stay sharp!
  4. Forgetting the Truly Irregular: Don’t overlook “ir” and “ser” – they’re special cases.

You’ve Got This!

Mastering irregular verbs in the Spanish future tense takes practice, but you’re on the right track. Remember, these irregularities are part of what makes Spanish so unique. Embrace them and keep practicing!

Before you know it, you’ll be chatting about your plans, making predictions, and expressing possibilities effortlessly. ¡Buena suerte en tu aprendizaje del español! (Good luck on your Spanish learning journey!)


  • English: Irregular Verbs in Simple Future, Future Simple, Will Future, Future Indicative
  • Spanish: Verbos Totalmente Irregulares en Futuro Simple, Futuro Imperfecto, Futuro de Indicativo

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