Enhance your Spanish vocabulary with these exciting words that start with the letter J. From adjectives to nouns, these J words in Spanish will add depth to your language skills!
1. Joven (young)
- Ella es muy joven para conducir. (She is too young to drive.)
- Los jóvenes se reunieron en el parque. (The young people gathered in the park.)
2. Justo/Justa (fair, just)
- El juez tomó una decisión justa. (The judge made a fair decision.)
- No es justo que trabajes tantas horas. (It’s not fair that you work so many hours.)
3. Jugoso/Jugosa (juicy)
- Esta naranja está muy jugosa. (This orange is very juicy.)
- Preparó un jugoso filete para la cena. (He prepared a juicy steak for dinner.)
4. Jardín (garden)
- Pasamos la tarde en el jardín. (We spent the afternoon in the garden.)
- Las flores del jardín son hermosas. (The flowers in the garden are beautiful.)
5. Juego (game)
- ¿Quieres jugar un juego de cartas? (Do you want to play a card game?)
- El juego de fútbol fue emocionante. (The soccer game was exciting.)
6. Jaula (cage)
- El pájaro está en la jaula. (The bird is in the cage.)
- Abrieron la jaula del león en el zoológico. (They opened the lion’s cage at the zoo.)
7. Jefe/Jefa (boss)
- Mi jefe es muy comprensivo. (My boss is very understanding.)
- La jefa del departamento llegará pronto. (The department head will arrive soon.)
8. Jamás (never)
- Jamás he visto algo así. (I have never seen anything like this.)
- Prometió que jamás volvería a mentir. (He promised he would never lie again.)
9. Jabón (soap)
- No olvides usar jabón para lavarte las manos. (Don’t forget to use soap to wash your hands.)
- Compré un jabón con aroma a lavanda. (I bought a lavender-scented soap.)
10. Juicio (judgment, trial)
- El juicio duró tres días. (The trial lasted three days.)
- Confío en tu buen juicio. (I trust your good judgment.)
11. Jirafa (giraffe)
- La jirafa es el animal más alto del mundo. (The giraffe is the tallest animal in the world.)
- Vimos una jirafa en el safari. (We saw a giraffe on the safari.)
12. Joroba (hump)
- El camello tiene una joroba. (The camel has a hump.)
- Su mala postura le está causando una joroba. (His bad posture is causing him to develop a hump.)
13. Joya (jewel)
- Heredó una joya familiar. (She inherited a family jewel.)
- La corona está adornada con joyas preciosas. (The crown is adorned with precious jewels.)
14. Júbilo (joy, jubilation)
- La noticia fue recibida con júbilo. (The news was received with jubilation.)
- El júbilo de la victoria llenó las calles. (The joy of victory filled the streets.)
15. Jinete (rider, horseman)
- El jinete cabalgó hasta el amanecer. (The rider rode until dawn.)
- Es un excelente jinete de rodeo. (He’s an excellent rodeo rider.)
These Spanish words that start with J will enrich your vocabulary and help you express a wide range of concepts. From common adjectives like “joven” (young) to interesting nouns like “jirafa” (giraffe), these J words in Spanish cover various aspects of the language. Practice using these Spanish words with J to improve your language skills and expand your ability to communicate effectively in Spanish.