¡Guau Guau! Learn Animal Sounds in Spanish

Ever wondered how animals “speak” in Spanish? This guide explores Spanish onomatopoeias, offering a fun glimpse into how different cultures interpret animal sounds.

Common Animal Sounds in Spanish

  • Domestic Animals
    • Dog: “Guau guau” (“Woof woof”)
      • Example: “El perro ladra ‘guau guau’ cuando ve a un extraño.” (The dog barks “woof woof” when it sees a stranger.)
    • Cat: “Miau” (“Meow”)
      • Example: “El gato hace ‘miau’ cuando tiene hambre.” (The cat meows when it’s hungry.)
    • Cow: “Mu” (“Moo”)
      • Example: “Las vacas en el campo hacen ‘mu’ todo el día.” (The cows in the field moo all day.)
    • Pig: “Oinc oinc” (“Oink oink”)
      • Example: “Los cerditos hacen ‘oinc oinc’ mientras comen.” (The piglets oink while eating.)
    • Horse: “Hiiii” (“Neigh”)
      • Example: “El caballo relincha ‘hiiii’ cuando ve a su dueño.” (The horse neighs when it sees its owner.)
  • Farm and Barnyard Animals
    • Rooster: “Quiquiriquí” (“Cock-a-doodle-doo”)
      • Example: “El gallo canta ‘quiquiriquí’ al amanecer.” (The rooster crows at dawn.)
    • Chicken: “Clo clo” (“Cluck cluck”)
      • Example: “Las gallinas hacen ‘clo clo’ en el gallinero.” (The chickens cluck in the coop.)
    • Duck: “Cua cua” (“Quack quack”)
      • Example: “Los patos nadan en el estanque haciendo ‘cua cua’.” (The ducks swim in the pond, quacking.)
    • Sheep: “Bee” (“Baa”)
      • Example: “Las ovejas hacen ‘bee’ mientras pastan en la pradera.” (The sheep baa while grazing in the meadow.)
  • Wild Animals
    • Bird: “Pío pío” (“Tweet tweet” or “Chirp chirp”)
      • Example: “Los pajaritos cantan ‘pío pío’ en la mañana.” (The little birds chirp in the morning.)
    • Wolf: “Auuu” (“Howl”)
      • Example: “Los lobos aúllan ‘auuu’ a la luna llena.” (The wolves howl at the full moon.)
    • Frog: “Croac croac” (“Ribbit ribbit”)
      • Example: “Las ranas hacen ‘croac croac’ cerca del estanque.” (The frogs croak near the pond.)
    • Snake: “Sss” (“Hiss”)
      • Example: “La serpiente hace ‘sss’ cuando se siente amenazada.” (The snake hisses when it feels threatened.)


Learning animal sounds in Spanish offers a fun glimpse into how different languages interpret the world. Next time you’re in a Spanish-speaking country, surprise locals with your knowledge of these unique onomatopoeias. ¡Buena suerte en tu aventura lingüística!

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