When you visit Costa Rica, you’ll quickly discover that the Spanish spoken here has its own distinct personality. Known as “Tiquismos,” these uniquely Costa Rican expressions add color and warmth to everyday conversations. Here’s your guide to speaking like a true “Tico” (Costa Rican).
Everyday Phrases and Greetings
- “¿Qué mae?” – What’s up, dude? (A very common greeting)
- “¡Pura vida!” – Pure life! (A universal Costa Rican expression for everything from hello to goodbye)
- “Mae” – Dude or friend (used often)
- “Tica/Tico” – Costa Rican woman/man
- “Chinea” – Relax, chill out
Popular Sayings and Proverbs
- “El que madruga, Dios lo ayuda.” – The early bird gets the worm.
- “No hay mal que dure cien años.” – No bad situation lasts forever.
- “Más vale tarde que nunca.” – Better late than never.
- “Más sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo.” – The devil knows more because he’s old, not because he’s the devil. (Meaning: Experience is valuable)
Unique Costa Rican Idioms
- “Estar en la luna” – To be daydreaming or lost in thought (literally, “to be on the moon”)
- “Estar como chancho en corral ajeno” – To be uncomfortable or out of place (literally, “to be like a pig in someone else’s pen”)
- “Dar papaya” – To make it easy for someone to take advantage of you
- “Estar hecho un chivo” – To be very nervous or anxious
Food-Related Expressions
- “Comer como chancho” – To eat a lot (literally, “to eat like a pig”)
- “Estar como chancho en corral ajeno” – To be uncomfortable or out of place (literally, “to be like a pig in someone else’s pen”)
- “Dar papaya” – To make it easy for someone to take advantage of you
Modern Costa Rican Slang
- “Bacán” – Cool, awesome
- “Mae” – Dude, friend
- “Pura vida” – Everything is good, life is great
- “Chinea” – Relax, chill out
- “Tuanis” – Cool, awesome
Cultural Notes
Costa Rican Spanish is known for its friendly, laid-back tone. The diminutive “-ito/-ita” is frequently used to make words sound more endearing: “momentito” (little moment), “ahorita” (right now), “cafecito” (little coffee).
By understanding these phrases and idioms, you’ll be able to connect with Costa Ricans on a deeper level and truly experience the “pura vida” lifestyle.