Historical present

The historical present, known as “presente histórico” in Spanish, is a narrative technique that uses the present tense to describe past events. This stylistic device adds immediacy and vividness to historical accounts, stories, and informal recollections of past events. By bringing past actions into the present, speakers and writers can create a sense of drama and engagement for their audience.

Key Characteristics

  1. Present Tense for Past Events: Uses present tense verbs to describe actions that occurred in the past.
  2. Vividness and Immediacy: Adds a sense of dynamism and presence to narratives.
  3. Common Usage: Frequently found in historical accounts, storytelling, and informal retellings.
  4. Stylistic Flexibility: Can be combined with past tenses for added emphasis and variety.

Usage Examples

  1. Historical Events
    • “En 1492, Colón llega a América” (In 1492, Columbus arrives in America)
    • “En 1969, el hombre pisa la Luna por primera vez” (In 1969, man steps on the Moon for the first time)
  2. Biographical Narratives
    • “Picasso nace en Málaga en 1881 y muestra su talento desde muy joven” (Picasso is born in Malaga in 1881 and shows his talent from a very young age)
  3. Storytelling
    • “Entonces, entro en la habitación y veo que todo está desordenado” (Then, I enter the room and see that everything is messy)
  4. News Headlines
    • “Científicos descubren nueva especie en el Amazonas” (Scientists discover new species in the Amazon)

Usage Notes

  • Flexible Application: The historical present can be used throughout an entire narrative or interspersed with past tenses for variety and emphasis.
  • Contextual Clues: It’s often introduced by a past-tense time marker to set the historical context:
    • “En el siglo XV, los españoles conquistan gran parte de América” (In the 15th century, the Spanish conquer much of America)
  • Informal and Formal Usage: While commonly used in formal historical narratives, it’s also prevalent in everyday speech when recounting past events:
    • “Ayer voy al supermercado y me encuentro con María” (Yesterday I go to the supermarket and I run into María)
  • Literary Tool: In literature, it’s a powerful tool for creating suspense and drawing readers into the story.
  • Consistency is Key: When using the historical present, maintain consistency in verb tenses within related clauses to avoid confusion.


The historical present is a versatile and engaging narrative technique in Spanish. By bringing past events into the present, it allows speakers and writers to create more dynamic and immersive storytelling experiences. Understanding and utilizing this technique will enhance your ability to express yourself effectively and captivatingly in Spanish. ¡Buena suerte! (Good luck!)

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