Mastering Noun Gender in Spanish: It’s Easier Than You Think! 🇪🇸

Understanding noun gender is essential for speaking and writing Spanish fluently. It might seem tricky at first, but don’t worry! While there are exceptions, these general rules will help you identify the gender of most Spanish nouns. 🚀

Masculine Nouns 👨

  1. Nouns ending in -o:
el librothe book
el carrothe car
el perrothe dog
el zapatothe shoe
el vasothe glass
  1. Nouns ending in -or:
el dolorthe pain
el colorthe color
el amorthe love
el calorthe heat
el saborthe flavor
  1. Nouns ending in -aje:
el viajethe trip
el paisajethe landscape
el garajethe garage
el equipajethe luggage
el mensajethe message
  1. Nouns of Greek origin ending in -ma, -pa, -ta:
el problemathe problem
el mapathe map
el planetathe planet
el temathe theme
el idiomathe language

Feminine Nouns 👩

  1. Nouns ending in -a:
la casathe house
la mesathe table
la sillathe chair
la puertathe door
la ventanathe window
  1. Nouns ending in -ción, -sión:
la canciónthe song
la televisiónthe television
la naciónthe nation
la pasiónthe passion
la educaciónthe education
  1. Nouns ending in -dad, -tad, -tud:
la ciudadthe city
la libertadthe freedom
la actitudthe attitude
la universidadthe university
la juventudthe youth
  1. Nouns ending in -ez, -triz:
la vezthe time
la actrizthe actress
la niñezthe childhood
la emperatrizthe empress
la madurezthe maturity
  1. Nouns ending in -is:
la crisisthe crisis
la tesisthe thesis
la hipótesisthe hypothesis
la dosisthe dose
la análisisthe analysis

Heads Up! Additional Tips 🧐

  • Most countries and cities are feminine, except those ending in -o.
  • Letters of the alphabet are feminine: la a, la b, la c…
  • Names of trees are usually masculine, while their fruits are often feminine: el manzano (the apple tree) → la manzana (the apple). 🍎


  • These are general rules, and there are exceptions!
  • Always consult a dictionary if you’re unsure.
  • Pay attention to the articles (el, la) that accompany nouns to confirm their gender.

With practice, you’ll master noun gender in Spanish! ¡Ánimo! 💪 ¡Hasta la próxima! 👋

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