Seasonal weather patterns

Discussing the weather is a fantastic way to strike up a conversation in Spanish. Let’s explore how to describe seasonal weather patterns so you can chat like a native speaker!

The Seasons (Las Estaciones) 📅

First things first, let’s make sure we know the seasons in Spanish:

  • Spring – La primavera 💐
  • Summer – El verano ☀️
  • Fall/Autumn – El otoño 🍂
  • Winter – El invierno ❄️

Common Phrases to Talk About the Weather 💬

These phrases will come in handy when describing typical weather:

  • “En [season], suele [weather verb]…” (In [season], it usually [weather verb]…)


  • En primavera suele llover mucho. (It usually rains a lot in spring.)
  • El verano es muy caluroso aquí. (Summer is very hot here.)
  • “Hace [adjective] tiempo.” (The weather is [adjective].)


  • Hace buen tiempo. (The weather is good.)
  • Hace mal tiempo. (The weather is bad.)

Weather Vocabulary by Season 🌦️

Let’s see some specific vocabulary for each season:

Spring (La Primavera)

  • Los árboles florecen. (The trees bloom.)
  • Las temperaturas son más suaves. (The temperatures are milder.)
  • Hay tormentas eléctricas. (There are thunderstorms.)

Summer (El Verano)

  • Hace mucho calor. (It’s very hot.)
  • El sol brilla intensamente. (The sun shines intensely.)
  • Los días son más largos. (The days are longer.)

Fall/Autumn (El Otoño)

  • Las hojas cambian de color. (The leaves change color.)
  • Las hojas caen de los árboles. (The leaves fall from the trees.)
  • El clima se vuelve más fresco. (The weather gets cooler.)

Winter (El Invierno)

  • Las temperaturas bajan. (The temperatures drop.)
  • Hace mucho frío. (It’s very cold.)
  • Nieva en las montañas. (It snows in the mountains.)

Bonus Expressions! 🎉

Spice up your weather conversations with these:

  • Está nublado/despejado. (It’s cloudy/clear.)
  • Hay mucho viento. (It’s very windy.)
  • Está lloviendo a cántaros. (It’s raining cats and dogs.)
  • Hace un frío que pela. (It’s freezing cold.)
  • Hace un calor sofocante. (It’s swelteringly hot.)

¡Ojo! Seasons are Opposite in the Southern Hemisphere 🌎

Remember, if you’re chatting with someone from South America, their seasons are flipped!

  • December to February is summer.
  • June to August is winter.

Practice Makes Perfect! 💪

Now that you’re armed with all this weather vocabulary, get out there and practice! Talk about the weather with your Spanish-speaking friends, watch Spanish weather forecasts, or even write a short weather report in Spanish. ¡Buena suerte!

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