Other verbs expressing likes: encantar, fascinar

Beyond the commonly used verb “gustar” (to like), Spanish offers other verbs to express strong preferences or likes. Two such verbs are “encantar” (to love) and “fascinar” (to be fascinated by). These verbs follow the same grammatical structure as “gustar,” making them easy to incorporate into your Spanish vocabulary once you’ve mastered the use of “gustar.”

Encantar (to love)

“Encantar” expresses a stronger feeling than “gustar,” closer to loving or being delighted by something.


  • Me encanta la música. (I love music.)
  • Le encantan los perros. (He/She loves dogs.)
  • Nos encanta viajar. (We love traveling.)

Fascinar (to be fascinated by)

“Fascinar” conveys a sense of being captivated or intensely interested in something.


  • Me fascina la historia. (I’m fascinated by history.)
  • Les fascina la tecnología moderna. (They are fascinated by modern technology.)
  • Te fascina aprender idiomas. (You are fascinated by learning languages.)

Grammar Structure

Both “encantar” and “fascinar” follow the same structure as “gustar”:

  1. They use indirect object pronouns (me, te, le, nos, os, les).
  2. The verb agrees with the thing being liked, not the person who likes it.
  3. The subject (the thing being liked) usually comes after the verb.

Additional examples:

  • Me encantan los libros de ciencia ficción. (I love science fiction books.)
  • Le fascina la arquitectura moderna. (He/She is fascinated by modern architecture.)
  • Nos encantan las playas tropicales. (We love tropical beaches.)
  • Les fascinan las culturas antiguas. (They are fascinated by ancient cultures.)

By mastering these verbs, you can express your likes and interests in Spanish with more variety and intensity.

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