Common Spanish Verbs

In this lesson, we’re going to introduce and explore some more common Spanish verbs. These verbs are integral to the Spanish language, and understanding them can greatly enhance your conversational fluency.

We’ll be focusing on the following verbs:

  1. Recomendar
  2. Conseguir
  3. Ofrecer
  4. Perder
  5. Empezar
  6. Disfrutar
  7. Parar
  8. Escoger
  9. Ahorrar
  10. Invitar
  11. Guardar
  12. Morir
  13. Responder
  14. Caer

Now, let’s dive into each verb individually to explore their meanings and usage.

  1. Recomendar: This verb means ‘to recommend’. It is commonly used to suggest or advise something to someone. For instance, “Te recomiendo este libro” translates to “I recommend this book to you”.
  2. Conseguir: Conseguir translates to ‘to get’ or ‘to achieve’. You might use it when talking about obtaining something or accomplishing a goal. For example, “Conseguí un nuevo trabajo” means “I got a new job”.
  3. Ofrecer: This verb means ‘to offer’. You can use it when you’re proposing to provide something. An example sentence might be “Te ofrezco mi ayuda” which means “I offer you my help”.
  4. Perder: Perder translates to ‘to lose’. It can be used in the context of misplacing an item or losing a game. For instance, “Perdí mis llaves” means “I lost my keys”.
  5. Empezar: This verb means ‘to start’ or ‘to begin’. For instance, “Vamos a empezar la reunión” translates to “We are going to start the meeting”.
  6. Disfrutar: Disfrutar means ‘to enjoy’. It can be used when expressing enjoyment of an activity or experience. An example would be “Disfruto leer libros” which means “I enjoy reading books”.
  7. Parar: This verb translates to ‘to stop’. It’s used when one ceases an action. For example, “Necesito parar de trabajar” means “I need to stop working”.
  8. Escoger: This means ‘to choose’ or ‘to select’. It can be used when deciding between options. For instance, “Voy a escoger el vestido azul” translates to “I am going to choose the blue dress”.
  9. Ahorrar: Ahorrar means ‘to save’, as in saving money or resources. An example sentence might be “Estoy ahorrando para un coche nuevo” which means “I am saving for a new car”.
  10. Invitar: Invitar means ‘to invite’. You might use it when asking someone to join you for an event. For instance, “Te invito a mi fiesta” translates to “I invite you to my party”.
  11. Guardar: This verb translates to ‘to save’ or ‘to keep’. For example, “Guarda el recibo por si acaso” means “Keep the receipt just in case”.
  12. Morir: Morir means ‘to die’. It can be used when discussing death or the end of something. For example, “Las flores están muriendo” means “

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