Numbers in Spanish: A comprehensive guide.

Wondering how to say your age in Spanish? Or how to say the number 25? Or maybe you want to know how to order one or two coffees in a Spanish cafe? That’s when you need to know your Spanish numbers – los números!

Yes, friend, learning Spanish numbers is very important. Whether you’re describing something, counting, or just buying something from a store, you’ll need them!

Don’t worry, you’re in the right place! Here, you’ll find everything you need to know about numbers in Spanish!

In this article we’ll cover:

  • Spanish numbers 1-100
    • Spanish number 1-20
    • Spanish numbers – The twenties
    • Spanish numbers from 31-99
  • Spanish numbers – The hundreds 
  • Spanish numbers – The thousands 
  • Spanish numbers – The millions 
  • When to use the Spanish numbers
  • Practice time
  • Final words

We promise that by the end of this guide, you will know all you need to about numbers in Spanish and when to use them.

Let’s get started!

Spanish numbers 1-100

Important: The Spanish numbers we’re going to learn in this guide are also known as Cardinal numbers. We cover Ordinal numbers in a separate post.

Cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers serve different purposes in language and represent different types of quantities.

Cardinal numbers, as the name suggests, are used to count or show quantity. They answer the question “how many?”. For example, one, two, three, and so on are cardinal numbers. In Spanish, these are “uno”, “dos”, “tres”, etc.

On the other hand, ordinal numbers are used to show position or order in a set. They answer the question “in what order?”. Examples include first, second, third, etc. In Spanish, these are “primero”, “segundo”, “tercero”, etc.

In essence, if you are counting items (like apples, days, or cars), you’ll use cardinal numbers. If you’re indicating position or order (like in a race, a sequence, or a list), you’ll use ordinal numbers.

First, we’ll learn the Spanish numbers from 1 to 100. After that, we’ll learn the numbers that go up by tens, from 20 to 100. We need to learn these numbers first before we go further.

NumbersNumber in spanishNumbersNumber in spanish

Spanish number – The twenties

So from the Spanish numbers 21 to the 29, the root of the words changes from veinte to veinti+a number from 1-9, let’s check it next

NumbersNumber in spanish

Note: 22-veintidós, 23-veintitrés and 26-veintiséis numbers in spanish have an accent.

Spanish numbers from 31-99

For numbers from 31 to 99 in Spanish, there’s a simple pattern. You just need to say the tens number (like 20, 30, 40) plus “y” (which means “and”) plus a number from 1 to 9. It’s like saying “thirty and one” and so on.

Let’s look at this next.

NumbersNumber in spanish
31Treinta y uno
42Cuarenta y dos
54Cincuenta y cuatro
67Sesenta y siete
75Setenta y cinco
88Ochenta y ocho
99Noventa y nueve

Spanish numbers – The hundreds

The hundred numbers in spanish, are pretty easy, you just have to use the base number + cientos, example: 200, dos+cientos

There are some variations in 100 – cien, 900 – novecientos, 500 – quinientos and 700 – setecientos

NumbersNumber in spanish
The base number + Cientos

Making numbers in Spanish follows a pattern. We have a trick for you to understand it better. In the next chart, you will see this pattern in detail.

Note: Cien changes to ciento from 101 to 199:

Patterns chart
CientotreintaY dos
DoscientostreintaY cuatro
NovecientosnoventaY nueve

Got it?

Easy huh?

Now let’s check the next chart with more examples.

NumbersNumber in spanish
112Ciento doce
157Ciento cincuenta y siete
210Doscientos diez
324Trescientos veinticuatro
459Cuatrocientos cincuenta y nueve
587Quinientos ochenta y siete
770Setecientos setenta

Spanish numbers – The thousands

Here, things get even easier. The word for “thousand” in Spanish is “mil”. So, you just say the base number and then “mil”. Let’s check this out in the next chart.

NumbersNumber in spanish
The base number + Mil
2000Dos mil
3000Tres mil
4000Cuatro mil
5000Cinco mil
6000Seis mil
7000Siete mil
8000Ocho mil
9000Nueve mil
10000Diez mil

Again, there’s a pattern for making bigger numbers. In the next chart, you’ll see this pattern clearly.

Patterns chart
Dosmilquinientoscuarentay seis

Here we have more combinations and examples:

NumbersNumber in spanish
2021Dos Mil veintiuno
5970Cinco mil novecientos setenta
8500Ocho mil quinientos
9999Nueve mil novecientos noventa y nueve

Spanish number – The millions

Here, “1 million” is “un millón” in Spanish, which is a bit different. For all other numbers, we use “millones” like “2 million” is “dos millones”, “3 million” is “tres millones”, and so on. It follows the same pattern we’ve seen before.

So, the structure is the base number plus “millones”.

Let’s look at this next.

NumbersNumber in spanish
The base number + Millones
1’000,000Un millón
2’000,000Dos millones
3’000,000Tres millones
4’000,000Cuatro millones
50’000,000Cincuenta millones
68’000,000Sesenta y ocho millones
72’000,500Setenta y dos millones quinientos
812’150,000Ochocientos doce millones ciento cincuenta mil
900’852,120Novecientos millones ochocientos cincuenta y dos mil ciento veinte

Now you know how to count in Spanish! You don’t have to learn all of it, just take what you need!

But since this is a complete guide about Spanish numbers, we have more to share. Let’s look at when you’ll need to use these numbers in Spanish next:

When to Use Spanish Numbers

As we mentioned before, the numbers in Spanish are called cardinal numbers. We use these numbers when talking about time, dates, age, and how many adjectives there are. 

Let’s look at each of these in more detail next.

Spanish numbers – The time

To tell the time, using the numbers in Spanish is pretty easy. In Spanish, you just use Ser (son – es) and then the articles (la – las) and the cardinal number, examples

  • It is three o’clock
    Son las tres 
  • It is five o’clock
    Son las cinco 
  • It is one in the afternoon
    Es la una de la tarde

Note: It is one – Es la una, is the only exception to use ser (es) and the article (la) in singular and masculine, the rest of hours you always use ser (son) and the article (las) in plural and masculine

Spanish numbers – Dates

For talking about the dates always is used the article el in singular and masculine and then the cardinal number, examples:

  • Today is the january 12th
    Hoy es el doce de enero
  • Tomorrow is september 1st 
    Mañana es el primero de septiembre

Note: The only exception is the first of the month, for which you always use el primero.

Spanish numbers – Age

To talk about the age in spanish you have to use the verb tener and the cardinal number, examples:

  • I am twenty-nine years old
    Yo tengo veintinueve años
  • Maria has forty-seven years old
    Maria tiene cuarenta y siete años

Number as Nouns or Adjectives

The cardinal numbers can serve as a noun or adjective too, examples:

  • The neighbor’s two dogs
    Los dos perros del vecino
  • My three friends 
    Mis tres amigas 

It is important to note that when you use the spanish numbers with an adjective only the gender has to match, examples:

  • The two hundred houses of the village
    Las doscientas casas del pueblo
  • The four-hundred bicycles of the competition
    Las cuatrocientas bicicletas de la competencia

The number One- Uno, converts to un in masculine and una in feminine, examples

  • I have one car
    Yo tengo un carro
  • The thirty-one cars in the parking space
    Los treinta y un carros del parqueadero
  • She has one house
    Ella tiene una casa
  • The twenty-one houses in the neighborhood
    Las veintiuna casas del vecindario

Now you have everything you need to know about the numbers in Spanish, my friend.

Final words

That’s all!

Well done, you made it through!

With this complete guide and some practice, you’ll master Spanish numbers. We know it’s a lot to take in right now. Just keep this guide handy and look at it whenever you need to.

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