¡Buen Viaje! Essential Phrases for Traveling in Uruguay

1. “¿Cómo andás, bo?” (How are you doing, hey?) – A casual Uruguayan greeting.
2. “Un chivito, por favor.” (A chivito, please.) – To try the national sandwich.
3. “¿Cómo llego a Punta del Este?” (How do I get to Punta del Este?) – For visiting the popular beach resort.
4. “Un mate, por favor.” (A mate, please.) – To try the traditional yerba mate drink.
5. “¿Dónde está la Ciudad Vieja?” (Where is the Old City?) – For exploring Montevideo’s historic district.
6. “¿Dónde puedo ver un partido de fútbol?” (Where can I watch a football match?) – For experiencing the national passion.
7. “Está demás.” (It’s awesome.) – A very Uruguayan expression of approval.
8. “¿Cuánto cuesta el asado?” (How much is the barbecue?) – For trying the traditional grilled meats.

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