Articles in Spanish – with audio!

The, a, an 
El, la, los, las, un, unos, unas…

We know, we know this is a new topic for you but in order to learn Spanish and master it, you need to know how the articles work. You know in English there are only 3 of them but in Spanish, oh boy, we have 9 articles you will use all the time. We don’t mean to scare you, this is really simple if you know the structure and the rules we have for each of them. 

This article will guide you through it and at the end of it, you will notice how your life changes… for good, of course.

In this article we will cover: 

  • What are the articles in Spanish?
  • Definite or indefinite articles?
  • Feminine or masculine articles?
  • Plural or singular articles
  • Practice time 
  • Final words
  • Answers 

Now you will learn the difference between spanish articles and when to use them correctly, we got you covered! 

Let’s start! 

What are the articles in Spanish?

When we talk about articles in Spanish, we mean those small words that accompany the noun and it helps us know what the gender is and the number of it. 

Let’s take a look at definite and indefinite articles we have and a small example before we jump to the explanation of it specifically. 


Masculine Definite articleMasculine Indefinite article
El Un
El elefante
The elephant
Un elefante
An elephant
Feminine Definite articleFeminine Indefinite article
La mariposa
The butterfly
Una mariposa
A Butterfly
Neutral Definite articleNeutral Indefinite article
Lo especial 
The special


Masculine Definite articleMasculine Indefinite article
Los Unos
Los elefantes 
The elephants
Unos elefantes 

Feminine Definite articleFeminine Indefinite article
Las mariposas
The butterflies

Unas mariposas

Feminine or masculine articles?

The articles in Spanish are categorized in two genders (feminine and masculine), we know in english is completely different and we don’t really need to know the gender of the nouns, nevertheless in spanish is almost mandatory and we will need to know when do we use feminine and masculine. 

Let us explain a little bit better about this: 

Masculine EndingNouns
O, or, on, aje, an, maEl carro
El amor
El avión
El equipaje
El pan
Feminine EndingNouns
A, ión, eLa casa
La canción 
La calle

For example:

  • La casa
  • El Mercado 
  • El elefante
  • El carro 
  • La música
  • El restaurante 
  • El amor 

Definite or indefinite articles?

In Spanish as in English we use the articles to talk about something definite or indefinite. So if we want to talk about something that is specific or specifically known to the speaker or to the person you are talking to, we use the definite articles in spanish, such as el, los, la, las.

Let’s take a look at this: 

  • The car is so fast 
    El carro es muy veloz
  • The apples are delicious 
    Las manzanas están deliciosas
  • The plane is so big 
    El avión es muy grande 
  • The dogs are beautiful 
    Los perros son hermosos

On the other hand we have the indefinite articles in Spanish, we use them similar to when we use a/an in english, when we want to talk about something that isn’t specific, to talk about physical characteristics of a person using a noun or an adjective. For instance: 

  • Stephanie is a friend of Lauren
    Stephanie es una amiga de Lauren
  • This boy is an angel 
    Este niño es un ángel 
  • ¿Would you buy me a sweet? 
    ¿Me compras un dulce?
  • I want to buy some pants 
    Quiero comprar unos pantalones 

Plural or singular articles?

Another really important thing about the articles in Spanish is that they need to follow the number of the noun, in other words the plurality they refer to. So you need to be very careful and check if they are talking about singular or plural nouns (don’t forget the gender). 

This one is really easy, if you compare this to English, we just add the S at the end of the word in case we are talking about plural nouns. I know you are wondering… how about the articles?

Plural MasculinePlural Masculine
Los elefantes 
The elephants
Unos elefantes 
Plural FemininePlural Feminine
Las mariposas
The butterflies
Unas mariposas

Check out these examples: 

  • The flowers
    Las flores
  • The cakes 
    Los pasteles
  • The bees 
    Las abejas
  • The grapes
    Unas uvas
  • The men 
    Unos hombres

Practice time 

It is time to practice how you master the articles in Spanish. 

  • Fill in the blanks with the right article (don’t forget to check gender and number of each noun) 
    • I want to eat an apple
      Yo quiero comer _____ manzana
    • The oranges are sour 
      _______ naranjas son ácidas 
    • The hamburgers are delicious
      ______ hamburguesas son deliciosas
    • The black cat is mine
      ______ gato negro es mío 
    • The house is so old
      ______ casa está muy vieja 
    • A unknown man called me on my cellphone
      ______ hombre desconocido me llamó al celular 
    • The women are selling fruit
      ______ mujeres están vendiendo fruta 
    • The fruit is really good for the health
      ______ fruta es muy buena para la salud
  • Use the right definite article for the following nouns
    1. _____ cajas 
    2. _____ pizza
    3. ______ manzanas 
    4. _____ casas
    5. _____ Padre
    6. _____ perros cafés
    7. _____ lapices 
    8. _____ telefono 
    9. _____ mujer 
  • Use the right indefinite article for the following nouns
    1. ____ tijeras
    2. _____ pasteles
    3. _____ caballos 
    4. _____ aves
    5. _____ cuadros
    6. _____ platos
    7. _____ puertas
    8. _____ perro 
    9. _____ problema
    10. _____ cuarto

Final words

And there you have it! This is a really crucial topic for you to learn spanish and it is mandatory to start studying it as soon as possible. We really recommend you practice as much as you can the gender and the number of each of the nouns we have, since it will be even better for you and the others when you talk about daily stuff with the right gender and the right number… Once you master it you will rock!! 

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Fill in the blanks with the right article (don’t forget to check gender and number of each noun):

  • I want to eat an apple
    Yo quiero comer una manzana 
  • The oranges are sour 
    Las naranjas son ácidas
  • The hamburgers are delicious
    Las hamburguesas son deliciosas
  • The black cat is mine
    El gato negro es mío
  • The house is so old
    La casa está muy vieja
  • A unknown man called me on my cellphone
    Un hombre desconocido me llamó al celular 
  • The women are selling fruit
    Las mujeres están vendiendo fruta
  • The fruit is really good for the health
    La fruta es muy buena para la salud

Use the right definite article for the following nouns 

1. Las cajas

2. La pizza

3. Las manzanas

4. Las casas

5. El Padre

6. Los perros cafés

7. Los lápices

8. El teléfono

9. La Mujer 

Use the right indefinite article for the following nouns

1. Unas tijeras

2. Unos pasteles

3. Unos caballos

4. Unas aves

5. Unos cuadros

6. Unos platos

7. Unas puertas

8. Un perro

9. Un problems

10. Un cuarto

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