Dominican Spanish sparkles with unique expressions that reflect the vibrant Caribbean culture. Here’s your guide to speaking like a true Dominican:
Everyday Greetings and Expressions
- “¿Qué lo que?” – What’s up?
- “Klk” – The texting version of “¿Qué lo que?”, widely used in messages and social media
- “Dimelo” – Literally “tell me,” but used as “what’s up” or “hello”
- “¿Qué es la vaina?” – “What’s the thing?” meaning “What’s going on?”
Common Sayings
- “Estar en un lío” – To be in trouble or a mess
- “Dar una vuelta” – To take a walk or short trip
- “Estar al borde” – To be at your limit
- “¡Que vaina!” – “What a thing!” (expressing frustration)
Unique Dominican Idioms
- “Estar al vapor” – To be in a hurry (literally “to be steaming”)
- “Tener cotorra” – To be talkative (literally “to have a parrot”)
- “Estar en la maya” – To be broke (literally “to be in the mesh”)
- “Estar al diente” – To be hungry (literally “to be at the tooth”)
Expressions of Emotion
- “¡Diablo!” – A mild expletive expressing surprise or frustration
- “¡Qué chévere!” – How cool!
- “¡Dale!” – Go ahead! or Let’s go!
- “Fuerte!” – Literally “strong,” used to express approval
Food-Related Phrases
- “Estar al bate” – To be ready to eat (baseball reference)
- “Ponerse las botas” – To feast (literally “to put on boots”)
- “Estar como mango bajito” – To be easy to get (literally “like a low-hanging mango”)
Social Situations
- “Hacer una vaca” – To pool money together (literally “to make a cow”)
- “Estar en la luna” – To be distracted (literally “to be on the moon”)
- “Meter la pata” – To make a mistake (literally “to put in the leg”)
Modern Dominican Slang
- “Tigueraje” – Street smarts or hustling
- “Estar en beta” – To be hanging out
- “Flow” – Style or swagger (borrowed from English but used uniquely)
- “Frontear” – To show off
Remember that Dominican Spanish varies by region and social context. These expressions will help you understand and connect with Dominicans, whether you’re visiting Santo Domingo, Puerto Plata, or chatting with Dominican friends online.