Spanish Words That Start With K

Discover some interesting Spanish words that start with the letter K! While K is not a common letter in Spanish, there are still some notable words to explore. Let’s dive into this unique collection of K words in Spanish.

1. Kilo (kilogram)

  • Necesito comprar un kilo de manzanas. (I need to buy a kilogram of apples.)
  • He perdido dos kilos este mes. (I’ve lost two kilograms this month.)

2. Karate

  • Mi hijo practica karate dos veces por semana. (My son practices karate twice a week.)
  • El karate es un arte marcial japonés. (Karate is a Japanese martial art.)

3. Kilómetro (kilometer)

  • La ciudad está a 10 kilómetros de aquí. (The city is 10 kilometers from here.)
  • Corrí cinco kilómetros esta mañana. (I ran five kilometers this morning.)

4. Kiwi

  • Me encanta comer kiwi en el desayuno. (I love eating kiwi for breakfast.)
  • El kiwi es una fruta rica en vitamina C. (Kiwi is a fruit rich in vitamin C.)

5. Kárate (alternative spelling of karate)

  • En algunos países se escribe “kárate” en lugar de “karate”. (In some countries, it’s written as “kárate” instead of “karate”.)
  • El kárate enseña disciplina y respeto. (Kárate teaches discipline and respect.)

6. Kimono

  • Compré un kimono tradicional en Japón. (I bought a traditional kimono in Japan.)
  • El kimono es una prenda elegante. (The kimono is an elegant garment.)

7. Kétchup (ketchup)

  • ¿Puedes pasarme el kétchup, por favor? (Can you pass me the ketchup, please?)
  • A mis hijos les encanta el kétchup con las patatas fritas. (My kids love ketchup with french fries.)

8. Koala

  • El koala es un animal nativo de Australia. (The koala is an animal native to Australia.)
  • Vimos koalas en el zoológico. (We saw koalas at the zoo.)

9. Kayak

  • Fuimos de paseo en kayak por el lago. (We went kayaking on the lake.)
  • El kayak es una embarcación ligera y maniobrable. (The kayak is a light and maneuverable boat.)

10. Karma

  • Creo en el karma y en hacer buenas acciones. (I believe in karma and doing good deeds.)
  • El karma es un concepto importante en algunas religiones. (Karma is an important concept in some religions.)

While Spanish words that start with K are not as common as those beginning with other letters, they add an interesting flavor to the language. Many of these words are loanwords from other languages, reflecting the global influences on Spanish vocabulary. Practice using these K words in Spanish to add some unique flair to your conversations!

Remember, when looking for Spanish words with K or words in Spanish that start with K, you’ll often find terms related to measurements (like kilo and kilómetro), sports (karate), food (kiwi, kétchup), or loanwords from other languages. Keep exploring to find more interesting K Spanish words!

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