¡Notable! Spanish Adjectives & Words That Start with N

Are you looking to expand your Spanish vocabulary with words that start with N? You’ve come to the right place! This guide focuses on common Spanish words and adjectives that begin with N, providing you with a wealth of new terms to enhance your language skills. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced learner, you’ll find valuable insights into N words in Spanish, complete with English translations and example sentences.

Common Spanish Words and Adjectives That Start with N

Let’s explore a variety of frequently used Spanish words starting with N, including adjectives to describe someone and other useful terms:

  1. Nuevo/Nueva (new)
  • English translation: new
  • Example: Compré un coche nuevo. (I bought a new car.)
  • Example: Esta es una nueva experiencia para mí. (This is a new experience for me.)
  1. Nunca (never)
  • English translation: never
  • Example: Nunca he estado en París. (I have never been to Paris.)
  • Example: Ella nunca come carne. (She never eats meat.)
  1. Noche (night)
  • English translation: night
  • Example: Me gusta pasear por la noche. (I like to walk at night.)
  • Example: Buenas noches, que duermas bien. (Good night, sleep well.)
  1. Natural (natural)
  • English translation: natural
  • Example: Prefiero los productos naturales. (I prefer natural products.)
  • Example: Su belleza es natural. (Her beauty is natural.)
  1. Naranja (orange)
  • English translation: orange
  • Example: Mi fruta favorita es la naranja. (My favorite fruit is the orange.)
  • Example: Me gusta el color naranja. (I like the color orange.)
  1. Necesario/Necesaria (necessary)
  • English translation: necessary
  • Example: Es necesario estudiar para el examen. (It’s necessary to study for the exam.)
  • Example: Trae solo las cosas necesarias. (Bring only the necessary things.)
  1. Notable (remarkable, notable)
  • English translation: remarkable, notable
  • Example: Su progreso es notable. (His progress is remarkable.)
  • Example: Hizo un esfuerzo notable. (She made a notable effort.)
  1. Nombre (name)
  • English translation: name
  • Example: ¿Cuál es tu nombre? (What is your name?)
  • Example: Mi nombre es Juan. (My name is Juan.)
  1. Nervioso/Nerviosa (nervous)
  • English translation: nervous
  • Example: Estoy nervioso por la presentación. (I’m nervous about the presentation.)
  • Example: La niña estaba nerviosa en su primer día de escuela. (The girl was nervous on her first day of school.)
  1. Nube (cloud)
    • English translation: cloud
    • Example: El cielo está lleno de nubes. (The sky is full of clouds.)
    • Example: Guardamos nuestros archivos en la nube. (We store our files in the cloud.)
  2. Nacional (national)
    • English translation: national
    • Example: Es un parque nacional. (It’s a national park.)
    • Example: La economía nacional está mejorando. (The national economy is improving.)
  3. Niño/Niña (boy/girl, child)
    • English translation: boy/girl, child
    • Example: El niño está jugando en el parque. (The boy is playing in the park.)
    • Example: La niña es muy inteligente. (The girl is very intelligent.)
  4. Negro/Negra (black)
    • English translation: black
    • Example: Me gusta el café negro. (I like black coffee.)
    • Example: Tiene el pelo negro. (She has black hair.)
  5. Nivel (level)
    • English translation: level
    • Example: Mi nivel de español está mejorando. (My Spanish level is improving.)
    • Example: El agua llegó a un nivel peligroso. (The water reached a dangerous level.)
  6. Nariz (nose)
    • English translation: nose
    • Example: Tiene una nariz pequeña. (He has a small nose.)
    • Example: Me duele la nariz. (My nose hurts.)

Remember, learning Spanish words that start with N is just one step in your language journey. By exploring N words in Spanish, including adjectives that start with N in Spanish, you’re building a strong foundation for fluency. These Spanish words with N cover various aspects of daily life and will significantly enhance your vocabulary.

Whether you’re looking for Spanish words that start with N to describe someone or trying to expand your general list of Spanish words starting with N, this guide provides a solid starting point. Keep practicing these words in Spanish that start with N, and you’ll soon find yourself using them naturally in conversations.

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