Expressing dietary preferences and restrictions

When dining out in Spanish-speaking countries, it’s crucial to effectively communicate your dietary needs and preferences. This article provides a comprehensive guide to expressing various dietary restrictions and preferences in Spanish, complete with examples and useful phrases.

Basic Phrases

  1. Vegetarian/Vegan
    • “Soy vegetariano/a” (I’m vegetarian)
    • “Soy vegano/a” (I’m vegan)
    • “No como carne” (I don’t eat meat)
    • “No como productos animales” (I don’t eat animal products)
  2. Allergies
    • “Soy alérgico/a a…” (I’m allergic to…) Examples:
      • “Soy alérgico al maní” (I’m allergic to peanuts)
      • “Soy alérgica a los mariscos” (I’m allergic to seafood)
  3. Food Intolerances
    • “No puedo comer…” (I can’t eat…)
    • “Soy intolerante a…” (I’m intolerant to…) Examples:
      • “Soy intolerante a la lactosa” (I’m lactose intolerant)
      • “No puedo comer gluten” (I can’t eat gluten)
  4. Dietary Restrictions
    • “No como…” (I don’t eat…) Examples:
      • “No como cerdo” (I don’t eat pork)
      • “No como carne roja” (I don’t eat red meat)
  5. Preferences
    • “Prefiero…” (I prefer…)
    • “Me gusta…” (I like…) Examples:
      • “Prefiero comida picante” (I prefer spicy food)
      • “Me gusta la comida suave” (I like mild food)

Useful Questions

  1. Asking about options
    • “¿Tiene opciones vegetarianas/veganas?” (Do you have vegetarian/vegan options?)
    • “¿Tiene opciones sin gluten?” (Do you have gluten-free options?)
    • “¿Hay algo en el menú sin…?” (Is there anything on the menu without…?)
  2. Asking about ingredients
    • “¿Qué contiene este plato?” (What does this dish contain?)
    • “¿Este plato lleva…?” (Does this dish have…?)
    • “¿Puede decirme los ingredientes, por favor?” (Can you tell me the ingredients, please?)

Example Conversations

  1. Ordering at a restaurant:
    • Customer: “Hola, soy vegetariano. ¿Tiene opciones sin carne?” (Hello, I’m vegetarian. Do you have options without meat?)
    • Waiter: “Sí, tenemos ensaladas y pasta con verduras.” (Yes, we have salads and pasta with vegetables.)
    • Customer: “Genial. ¿La pasta lleva huevo?” (Great. Does the pasta contain egg?)
    • Waiter: “No, es pasta sin huevo.” (No, it’s egg-free pasta.)
    • Customer: “Perfecto, tomaré la pasta con verduras, por favor.” (Perfect, I’ll have the pasta with vegetables, please.)
  2. Explaining allergies:
    • Customer: “Disculpe, soy alérgico a los frutos secos. ¿Este postre contiene nueces o almendras?” (Excuse me, I’m allergic to nuts. Does this dessert contain walnuts or almonds?)
    • Waiter: “Sí, lleva almendras. ¿Quiere que le sugiera otra opción?” (Yes, it contains almonds. Would you like me to suggest another option?)
    • Customer: “Sí, por favor. ¿Tiene algo sin frutos secos?” (Yes, please. Do you have anything without nuts?)

Remember, when in doubt, it’s always better to ask and explain your dietary needs clearly. ¡Buen provecho! (Enjoy your meal!)

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