Conjugation patterns with “vos”

“Vos” is a second-person singular pronoun used in specific Spanish-speaking regions, mainly in parts of Latin America. This pronoun has unique verb conjugation patterns that differ from those used with “tú” (the more widespread informal second-person singular pronoun). Let’s delve into the fascinating world of “vos” conjugations!

General Rules

  1. Stress: Verbs conjugated with “vos” typically stress the last syllable.
  2. Endings: In the present tense, they often end in -ás, -és, or -ís.
  3. Stem changes: Unlike “tú” forms, “vos” conjugations generally don’t undergo stem changes.

Present Tense Conjugations

-ar Verbs

  • tú hablasvos hablás
  • tú bailasvos bailás

-er Verbs

  • tú comesvos comés
  • tú bebesvos bebés

-ir Verbs

  • tú vivesvos vivís
  • tú escribesvos escribís

Imperative (Command) Form

The imperative form with “vos” is formed by removing the final -r from the infinitive and adding an accent to the last vowel:

  • hablarhablá
  • comercomé
  • vivirviví

Irregular Verbs

Some common irregular verbs in the “vos” form:

  • ser: vos sos (you are)
  • ir: vos vas (you go)
  • haber: vos has (you have)

Regional Usage

The use of “vos” (known as voseo) is common in:

  • Argentina
  • Uruguay
  • Paraguay
  • Parts of Central America (El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua)
  • Parts of Colombia and Venezuela


Understanding “vos” conjugations is vital for effective communication in regions where voseo is prevalent. While it may seem a bit tricky at first, the regular patterns make it relatively straightforward to master with practice. ¡Ánimo! (Keep it up!)

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