Regular -ir Verbs in Spanish Future Perfect Tense

The Spanish Future Perfect Tense (Futuro Perfecto) is your tool for talking about actions that will be completed by a specific time in the future. Let’s see how to use it with regular -ir verbs.

Formation Rule

  1. Form the Past Participle: Replace the -ir ending with -ido (e.g., vivir -> vivido).
  2. Combine with Future of ‘haber’: Use the future tense of ‘haber’ (habré, habrás, habrá, etc.) plus the past participle.

Conjugation Pattern (vivir – to live)

Yohabré vivido
habrás vivido
Él/Ella/Ustedhabrá vivido
Nosotroshabremos vivido
Vosotroshabréis vivido
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedeshabrán vivido

More Examples

  • Escribir (to write): habré escrito (I will have written)
  • Recibir (to receive): habrás recibido (you will have received)
  • Decidir (to decide): habrá decidido (he/she will have decided)

When to Use the Future Perfect

  • Actions Completed Before a Future Time: “Para mañana, habré terminado el informe.” (By tomorrow, I will have finished the report.)
  • Assumptions About Past Actions: “Ya habrán llegado a casa.” (They will have probably arrived home by now.)

Key Points to Remember

  • Past Participle: Regular -ir verbs always form the past participle with -ido.
  • Auxiliary Verb: Conjugate ‘haber’ in the future tense.
  • -ER Verb Similarity: The Future Perfect for -ir verbs follows the same pattern as regular -er verbs.
  • Irregular Verbs: Be mindful that irregular verbs have different past participle forms, but the ‘haber’ conjugation stays consistent.


  • English: Regular -IR Verbs in Compound Future
  • Spanish: Verbos Regulares en -IR en Futuro Perfecto, Futuro Compuesto, Futuro Anterior

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