Regular -er Verbs in Spanish Negative Commands

Negative commands with -er verbs are a fundamental part of Spanish communication. Let’s break down the pattern for these verbs and learn how to express prohibitions effectively.

Forming Negative Commands for -er Verbs

To form negative commands for regular -er verbs:

  1. Start with “no”: This negates the command.
  2. Use the present subjunctive form of the verb: This is crucial for correct conjugation.

The subjunctive endings for -er verbs are:

  • -a, -as, -a, -amos, -áis, -an

Conjugation Pattern

  • tú: no + [stem] + as
  • usted: no + [stem] + a
  • nosotros: no + [stem] + amos
  • vosotros: no + [stem] + áis
  • ustedes: no + [stem] + an

Examples in Action

  • comer (to eat):
    • No comas con la boca abierta. (Don’t eat with your mouth open.)
    • No coma aquí, por favor. (Don’t eat here, please.)
    • No comamos antes de la película. (Let’s not eat before the movie.)
    • No comáis toda la tarta. (Don’t eat all the cake.)
    • No coman demasiado rápido. (Don’t eat too quickly.)

Other -er verbs:

  • beber (to drink): No bebas alcohol si vas a conducir. (Don’t drink alcohol if you’re going to drive.)
  • aprender (to learn): No aprendamos de memoria, entendamos el concepto. (Let’s not learn by heart, let’s understand the concept.)
  • vender (to sell): No vendan el coche todavía. (Don’t sell the car yet.)

Usage Notes

  1. “Tú” Form: Remember that the “tú” form in negative commands differs from affirmative commands. Always use the subjunctive form in negative commands.
  2. Reflexive Verbs: Place the reflexive pronoun before the verb: No te escondas de mí. (Don’t hide from me.)
  3. Object Pronouns: Place object pronouns before the verb: No lo vendas ahora. (Don’t sell it now.)
  4. Irregular Verbs: Some common -er verbs are irregular in the subjunctive and therefore in negative commands (e.g., hacer, saber, ser).


  • English: Regular -ER Negative Imperative, Negative Commands, Negative Imperatives, Prohibitive Imperatives Verbs
  • Spanish: Verbos Regulares en -ER en Mandatos Negativos, Imperativos Negativos, Prohibiciones, Órdenes Negativas, Comandos Negativos, Subjuntivo Negativo, Presente de Subjuntivo Negativo, Imperativo Negativo

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