E to I Stem Changes in Spanish Present Subjunctive

The Spanish present subjunctive can be tricky, especially with stem-changing verbs. Let’s explore one common change that occurs with certain -ir verbs: the E to I stem change.

When Does the Subjunctive Come into Play?

The present subjunctive isn’t just any verb tense. It’s used to express specific nuances in Spanish, including:

  • Wishes, hopes, and desires: Espero que te recuperes pronto (I hope you recover soon)
  • Doubt or uncertainty: Dudo que lleguen a tiempo (I doubt they’ll arrive on time)
  • Emotions or feelings about actions: Me alegra que estés aquí (I’m happy you’re here)
  • Impersonal expressions: Es importante que estudies (It’s important that you study)
  • Certain conjunctions: para que, a menos que, antes de que

How Do E to I Stem Changes Work?

For -ir verbs with this stem change, here’s the pattern:

  • The ‘e’ in the stem changes to ‘i’ in all forms except nosotros/nosotras.
  • The nosotros/nosotras form keeps the original ‘e’.

Let’s see this in action with the verb ‘pedir’ (to ask for):

Subject PronounPresent Subjunctive

Which Verbs Follow This Pattern?

Here are some common -ir verbs with E to I stem changes in the present subjunctive:

  • pedir (to ask for)
  • servir (to serve)
  • repetir (to repeat)
  • seguir (to follow, to continue)
  • reír (to laugh)
  • medir (to measure)
  • impedir (to prevent)
  • corregir (to correct)

Let’s See Some Examples

  1. Espero que me pidas ayuda si la necesitas. (I hope you ask me for help if you need it.)
  2. Es importante que el camarero sirva la comida caliente. (It’s important that the waiter serves the food hot.)
  3. El profesor sugiere que repitamos el ejercicio. (The teacher suggests that we repeat the exercise.)
  4. Dudo que ellos sigan nuestro consejo. (I doubt that they will follow our advice.)
  5. Ojalá que te rías con esta película. (I hope you laugh with this movie.)
  6. Es necesario que midamos el espacio antes de comprar los muebles. (It’s necessary that we measure the space before buying the furniture.)
  7. No creo que esto impida que logremos nuestros objetivos. (I don’t think this will prevent us from achieving our goals.)
  8. Es fundamental que corrijamos los errores antes de entregar el informe. (It’s essential that we correct the errors before submitting the report.)

Keep These Points in Mind

  • These stem changes are specific to the present subjunctive and present indicative.
  • The nosotros/nosotras form always keeps the original ‘e’.
  • Verbs with E to IE changes in the present indicative (like ‘querer’) also have E to IE changes in the subjunctive. Don’t mix these up!
  • Practice recognizing when the subjunctive is needed. The stem change only matters if you’re using the subjunctive in the first place.

By mastering these E to I stem changes, you’ll gain confidence and accuracy when expressing wishes, doubts, and emotions with these common -ir verbs. ¡Buena suerte!


  • English: E to I Boot Verbs in Present Subjunctive Mood, Subjunctive Present
  • Spanish: Verbos de Cambio Radical E a I en Presente De Subjuntivo, Subjuntivo Presente, Modo Subjuntivo Presente

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