Regular -ir Verbs in Spanish Present Perfect (Presente Perfecto) Tense

The Present Perfect tense (Presente Perfecto) is a handy tool for describing actions completed in the recent past or those continuing into the present. Let’s tackle this tense specifically for regular -ir verbs, a large and frequently used group in Spanish.

Forming the Past Participle

For regular -ir verbs, forming the past participle is a breeze:

  1. Remove the “-ir” ending from the infinitive.
  2. Add “-ido” to the stem.


  • vivir (to live) → vivido
  • escribir (to write) → escrito
  • recibir (to receive) → recibido

Conjugating “Haber”

The Present Perfect tense uses the present tense of the auxiliary verb “haber” (to have) plus the past participle. Here’s the conjugation of “haber”:

Subject PronounPresent Tense of Haber

Forming the Present Perfect

Combine the correct form of “haber” with the past participle:

Example with “vivir” (to live):

Subject PronounPresent Perfect of Vivir
Yohe vivido (I have lived)
has vivido (you have lived)
Él/Ella/Ustedha vivido (he/she/you formal have lived)
Nosotros/ashemos vivido (we have lived)
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedeshan vivido (they/you all have lived)

Common Regular -ir Verbs

Expand your vocabulary with these frequently used regular -ir verbs:

  • abrir (to open)
  • decidir (to decide)
  • descubrir (to discover)
  • discutir (to discuss)
  • permitir (to permit)
  • subir (to go up, upload)

Using the Present Perfect

The Present Perfect has several functions in Spanish:

  1. Describe recent past actions with present relevance:
    • He vivido en España por cinco años. (I have lived in Spain for five years.)
  2. Express life experiences:
    • ¿Has visitado el Museo del Prado? (Have you visited the Prado Museum?)
  3. Talk about actions that started in the past and continue in the present:
    • Ellos han trabajado en este proyecto por meses. (They have worked on this project for months.)


  • English: Regular -IR Verbs in Compound Present Subjunctive
  • Spanish: Verbos Regulares en -IR en Pretérito Perfecto De Subjuntivo, Subjuntivo Perfecto Compuesto, Antepresente De Subjuntivo

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