Stem-changing Verbs in Spanish Future Tense

While many Spanish verbs undergo stem changes in the present tense, some of these verbs also transform in the future tense. However, these changes differ from the typical “boot” pattern seen in the present tense. Instead, they modify the infinitive before adding standard future tense endings. Let’s unravel these transformations!

How Stem Changes Work in the Future Tense

For stem-changing verbs in the future tense:

  1. Infinitive Modification: The infinitive form of the verb is slightly altered, usually by removing some letters.
  2. Standard Endings: The regular future tense endings (-é, -ás, -á, -emos, -éis, -án) are then added to the modified stem.

Common Stem Changes: Get to Know the Shapeshifters

Here are some of the most frequent stem changes you’ll encounter:

  • -e- Removal: Verbs like “tener” (to have), “venir” (to come), and “poner” (to put) lose the “-e-” from their stems (tendr-, vendr-, pondr-).
  • -ec- Removal: Verbs like “aparecer” (to appear) and “agradecer” (to thank) lose “-ec-” from their stems (aparecer-, agradecer-).
  • Consonant Changes: Verbs like “decir” (to say) and “hacer” (to do/make) change consonants (dir-, har-).
  • Vowel Changes: Verbs like “poder” (to be able to), “querer” (to want), and “saber” (to know) change vowels (podr-, querr-, sabr-).
  • Unique Changes: Verbs like “salir” (to leave) and “valer” (to be worth) have their own special transformations (saldr-, valdr-).

Conjugation: Let’s See the Transformations

Here are examples of how some common stem-changing verbs conjugate in the future tense:

Tener (to have)

  • Yo tendré
  • Tú tendrás
  • Él/Ella/Usted tendrá
  • Nosotros tendremos
  • Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes tendrán

Decir (to say)

  • Yo diré
  • Tú dirás
  • Él/Ella/Usted dirá
  • Nosotros diremos
  • Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes dirán

Expressing the Future with Confidence

Now that you understand these stem changes, you can accurately express future actions and states using these common verbs. For example:

  • “Mañana tendré más tiempo para estudiar.” (Tomorrow I will have more time to study.)
  • “¿Qué dirás cuando lo veas?” (What will you say when you see him?)

Important Notes to Keep in Mind

  • Limited to Future and Conditional: These changes only happen in the future and conditional tenses.
  • Regular Endings Apply: The future tense endings remain consistent for all verbs, whether regular or irregular.
  • Not All Stem-Changers Change: Many verbs that change in the present tense are regular in the future tense.
  • Memorize Irregular Forms: It’s essential to memorize the irregular forms of common verbs.

By mastering these stem changes, you’ll be able to confidently communicate about the future in Spanish and navigate verb conjugations with ease.


  • English: Stem-changing Verbs in Simple Future, Future Simple, Will Future, Future Indicative
  • Spanish: Verbos que cambian de raíz en Futuro Simple, Futuro Imperfecto, Futuro de Indicativo

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