Sentirse Conjugation in the Preterite Tense

Conjugation of Sentirse (To feel) in the Preterite tense (Latin American Spanish)

Subject Pronoun Conjugation
Yome sentí
te sentiste
Él/Ella/Ustedse sintió
Nosotros/Nosotrasnos sentimos
Vosotros/Vosotrasos sentisteis
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedesse sintieron

Quick Overview

  • Spanish Verb: Sentirse
  • English Translation: To feel
  • Tense: Preterite
  • Conjugation Type: stem-changing e to i

Learn other stem-changing e to i verbs in the Preterite Tense:


English synonyms for Preterite: Simple Past, Past Simple, Preterite Tense, Past Historic
Spanish synonyms for Preterite: Pretérito Indefinido, Pretérito Perfecto Simple, Pretérito

Ready to have the preterite of sentirse stuck in your head forever? Of course you are! Click play below for a catchy bolero jingle that will make conjugating this verb a breeze. Trust us, you’ll be singing it in the shower! 🎶

Here are the lyrics in Spanish and English:

Me sentí solo en la habitación,I felt alone in the room,
Te sentiste cerca en mi corazón,You felt close in my heart,
Se sintió el silencio en la ciudad,Silence was felt in the city,
Nos sentimos juntos, en la verdad,We felt together, in truth,
Os sentisteis lejos, pero aún así,You all felt far away, but even so,
Se sintieron cerca, y todo fue así.They felt close, and that’s how it was.

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