Dar Conjugation in the Imperfect Tense

Conjugation of Dar (To give) in the Imperfect tense (Castilian Spanish)

Subject Pronoun Conjugation

Quick Overview

  • Spanish Verb: Dar
  • English Translation: To give
  • Tense: Imperfect
  • Conjugation Type: regular -ar

Learn other regular -ar verbs in the Imperfect Tense:


English synonyms for Imperfect: Past Continuous, Imperfect Progressive, Imperfect Continuous
Spanish synonyms for Imperfect: Pretérito Imperfecto, Copretérito, Imperfecto de Indicativo, Pretérito Progresivo, Pasado Progresivo, Pretérito Continuo

Ready to have the imperfect of dar stuck in your head forever? Of course you are! Click play below for a catchy bolero jingle that will make conjugating this verb a breeze. Trust us, you’ll be singing it in the shower! 🎶

Here are the lyrics in Spanish and English:

Daba mis palabras sin esperar,I gave my word without expectation,
Dabas tus sonrisas, todo por dar,You gave your smiles, everything to give,
Daba la vida mil vueltas más,Life gave a thousand more turns,
Dábamos promesas sin mirar atrás,We gave promises without looking back,
Dabais momentos llenos de paz,You all gave moments full of peace,
Daban las estrellas luz sin cesar.The stars gave light without ceasing.

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