Uses for habitual actions, descriptions, and ongoing past actions

The Spanish Imperfect Past Tense, known in Spanish as the “Pretérito Imperfecto,” is a versatile tense that allows you to vividly express past situations. In this article, you’ll discover how to use this tense for three primary purposes: describing habitual actions, setting scenes with detailed descriptions, and expressing ongoing past actions.

1. Habitual Actions: Expressing Repeated Past Behaviors

When you want to talk about actions that occurred regularly in the past, the Imperfect Past Tense is your ideal choice. It’s equivalent to saying “used to” or “would” in English when describing repeated actions.


  • De niño, iba a la escuela en bicicleta. (As a child, I used to go to school by bicycle.)
  • Los sábados, mi familia comía pizza y veía películas. (On Saturdays, my family would eat pizza and watch movies.)
  • Cada mañana, mi padre leía el periódico durante el desayuno. (Every morning, my father would read the newspaper during breakfast.)
  • En el verano, nadábamos en el lago todos los días. (In the summer, we used to swim in the lake every day.)
  • Mi abuela tejía suéteres para todos sus nietos en Navidad. (My grandmother would knit sweaters for all her grandchildren at Christmas.)

2. Descriptions: Painting Vivid Pictures of Past Scenes

The Imperfect Past Tense excels at creating a backdrop for your stories. Use it to describe states, emotions, or circumstances that existed in the past.


  • El día era soleado y hacía calor cuando llegamos a la playa. (The day was sunny and it was hot when we arrived at the beach.)
  • La antigua casa tenía un jardín enorme y una fuente en el centro. (The old house had a huge garden and a fountain in the center.)
  • Los estudiantes estaban nerviosos antes del examen final. (The students were nervous before the final exam.)
  • El cielo estaba lleno de estrellas y la luna brillaba intensamente. (The sky was full of stars and the moon was shining brightly.)
  • El mercado bullía de actividad y olía a especias frescas. (The market was bustling with activity and smelled of fresh spices.)

3. Ongoing Past Actions: Capturing Actions in Progress

When you need to express actions that were in progress at a specific moment in the past, turn to the Imperfect Past Tense. It’s similar to the past continuous tense in English.


  • Mientras cocinaba la cena, cantaba mis canciones favoritas. (While I was cooking dinner, I was singing my favorite songs.)
  • Cuando llegó el correo, Juan dormía profundamente en el sofá. (When the mail arrived, Juan was sleeping deeply on the couch.)
  • Los niños jugaban al escondite cuando empezó a nevar. (The children were playing hide-and-seek when it started to snow.)
  • Mientras viajábamos por Europa, escribía un diario todos los días. (While we were traveling through Europe, I was writing a diary every day.)
  • Cuando sonó la alarma de incendios, los empleados trabajaban en sus oficinas. (When the fire alarm went off, the employees were working in their offices.)

Putting It All Together: Weaving a Rich Narrative

The beauty of the Imperfect Past Tense (Pretérito Imperfecto) lies in its ability to combine these uses. You can create rich, detailed narratives by weaving together habitual actions, descriptions, and ongoing events.


Cada verano, pasábamos las vacaciones en la casa de campo de mis abuelos. La casa era antigua pero encantadora, con un porche amplio donde nos sentábamos por las tardes. El jardín estaba siempre lleno de flores coloridas y mariposas. Mientras mi abuela preparaba deliciosos pasteles en la cocina, mi abuelo nos contaba historias fascinantes de su juventud. Los niños del pueblo venían a menudo a jugar con nosotros, y juntos explorábamos los bosques cercanos. Por las noches, nos reuníamos alrededor de una fogata, asábamos malvaviscos y mirábamos las estrellas. El tiempo parecía detenerse en aquellos veranos mágicos, llenos de risas, aventuras y recuerdos inolvidables.

(Every summer, we would spend our vacation at my grandparents’ country house. The house was old but charming, with a wide porch where we would sit in the afternoons. The garden was always full of colorful flowers and butterflies. While my grandmother was preparing delicious pies in the kitchen, my grandfather would tell us fascinating stories from his youth. The village children would often come to play with us, and together we would explore the nearby forests. At night, we would gather around a bonfire, roast marshmallows, and look at the stars. Time seemed to stand still during those magical summers, full of laughter, adventures, and unforgettable memories.)

By mastering the Imperfect Past Tense (Pretérito Imperfecto), you’ll be able to transport your listeners to the past, creating vivid images and conveying the nuances of past experiences. Practice using this tense in your Spanish conversations, and you’ll soon find yourself effortlessly describing the rich tapestry of your memories and stories.

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