In today’s interconnected world, understanding technical Spanish is essential for global collaboration in the tech industry. This guide will help you master the fundamental vocabulary needed to discuss technology, computers, and the internet in Spanish.
Hardware Components Start with the basics of computer hardware:
- El ordenador/la computadora (computer)
- El teclado (keyboard)
- El ratón/el mouse (mouse)
- La pantalla/el monitor (screen/monitor)
- El disco duro (hard drive)
- La tarjeta gráfica (graphics card)
- La placa base/tarjeta madre (motherboard)
- El procesador (processor)
- La memoria RAM (RAM memory)
Software and Operating Systems Essential software terminology includes:
- El sistema operativo (operating system)
- El programa/software (software)
- La aplicación/app (application)
- El controlador (driver)
- La actualización (update)
- La copia de seguridad/respaldo (backup)
- El antivirus (antivirus)
- La contraseña (password)
Internet and Networking Key internet-related terms:
- La red (network)
- El wifi/la conexión inalámbrica (wireless connection)
- El navegador (browser)
- El sitio web (website)
- El enlace/link (link)
- El correo electrónico (email)
- La nube (cloud)
- El ancho de banda (bandwidth)
Programming and Development Important programming concepts:
- El lenguaje de programación (programming language)
- El código fuente (source code)
- La variable (variable)
- La función (function)
- La base de datos (database)
- El desarrollo web (web development)
- El framework/marco de trabajo (framework)
- La depuración (debugging)
Common Technical Phrases Essential phrases for technical discussions:
- Hay un error en el sistema (There’s a system error)
- Necesito actualizar el software (I need to update the software)
- La red no funciona (The network isn’t working)
- Voy a reiniciar el ordenador (I’m going to restart the computer)
- He guardado una copia de seguridad (I’ve saved a backup)
- El programa se ha bloqueado (The program has frozen)
Cybersecurity Terms Important security vocabulary:
- La seguridad informática (computer security)
- El cortafuegos/firewall (firewall)
- El cifrado (encryption)
- El malware (malware)
- El hacker/pirata informático (hacker)
- La autenticación (authentication)
- La privacidad (privacy)
Mobile Technology Essential mobile device terminology:
- El smartphone/teléfono inteligente (smartphone)
- La tableta (tablet)
- La aplicación móvil (mobile app)
- La pantalla táctil (touch screen)
- Los datos móviles (mobile data)
- La batería (battery)
- El bluetooth (bluetooth)
Tips for Technical Communication Remember these key differences:
- Many English tech terms are used directly in Spanish with masculine articles (el software, el hardware)
- Some terms have both English and Spanish versions (mouse/ratón, backup/copia de seguridad)
- Technical abbreviations typically remain in English (USB, RAM, CPU)
- When in doubt, using the English term with a masculine article is often acceptable in technical contexts
Mastering Spanish technology vocabulary opens doors to collaboration with Spanish-speaking tech professionals worldwide. Whether you’re discussing hardware components, explaining software issues, or working on development projects, this technical vocabulary equips you with the language skills needed in today’s digital workplace.
Remember that many Spanish tech terms are similar to their English counterparts, making them easier to learn and remember. As you become more comfortable with these terms, you’ll find yourself naturally able to engage in technical discussions, troubleshoot problems, and contribute to projects in Spanish-speaking environments.