Human anatomy and medical terminology

Understanding Spanish medical terminology enables you to provide better care to Spanish-speaking patients and collaborate effectively with Spanish-speaking colleagues. This guide covers essential vocabulary and concepts you’ll encounter in medical settings.

Basic Anatomical Terms (Términos Anatómicos Básicos)

The foundation of medical Spanish begins with human anatomy (anatomía humana). Key body systems and their components include:

  • Skeletal System (Sistema Esquelético): Skull (cráneo), Spine (columna vertebral), Ribs (costillas), Femur (fémur), Humerus (húmero), Joints (articulaciones).
  • Cardiovascular System (Sistema Cardiovascular): Heart (corazón), Arteries (arterias), Veins (venas), Blood pressure (presión arterial), Pulse (pulso).
  • Respiratory System (Sistema Respiratorio): Lungs (pulmones), Bronchi (bronquios), Trachea (tráquea), Diaphragm (diafragma).

Common Medical Conditions (Condiciones Médicas Comunes)

  • Pain (Dolor): Headache (dolor de cabeza), Chest pain (dolor en el pecho), Abdominal pain (dolor abdominal), Joint pain (dolor articular).
  • Common Ailments (Enfermedades Comunes): High blood pressure (hipertensión), Diabetes (diabetes), Heart disease (enfermedad cardíaca), Asthma (asma).

Medical Procedures and Examinations (Procedimientos y Exámenes Médicos)

  • Blood test (análisis de sangre), X-ray (radiografía), Surgery (cirugía), Physical examination (examen físico).

Emergency Terms (Términos de Emergencia)

  • Emergency (emergencia), Accident (accidente), Ambulance (ambulancia), Unconscious (inconsciente), Bleeding (sangrado).

Patient Communication (Comunicación con el Paciente)

  • Taking History (Historia Clínica): What brings you here today? (¿Qué le trae por aquí hoy?), Where does it hurt? (¿Dónde le duele?), How long have you had these symptoms? (¿Cuánto tiempo ha tenido estos síntomas?), Are you allergic to any medications? (¿Es alérgico a algún medicamento?).
  • Treatment Instructions (Instrucciones de Tratamiento): Take this medication (Tome este medicamento), Once daily (Una vez al día), Before/after meals (Antes/después de las comidas), Return if symptoms worsen (Regrese si los síntomas empeoran).

Medical Documentation (Documentación Médica)

  • Medical history (historia clínica), Current condition (condición actual), Treatment plan (plan de tratamiento), Progress notes (notas de progreso).

Diagnostic Terms (Términos Diagnósticos)

  • Acute (agudo), Chronic (crónico), Mild (leve), Severe (grave), Terminal (terminal).

Cultural Considerations (Consideraciones Culturales)

  • Always use formal address (usted) with patients.
  • Show respect for family involvement in medical decisions.
  • Be mindful of traditional medicine beliefs.
  • Consider regional variations in medical terminology.

Regional Variations

Medical Spanish terminology can vary across different Spanish-speaking countries. Some terms may differ depending on the region or country where you’re practicing. When in doubt, ask your colleagues about local usage preferences.

Remember that clear communication is essential for patient safety and effective healthcare delivery. This guide serves as a foundation for understanding Spanish medical terminology in clinical settings.

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