Verbs expressing preferences: preferir

Expressing preferences is fundamental to meaningful Spanish conversations. Here’s everything you need to know about using preference verbs in Spanish, focusing on the essential verb “preferir” (to prefer).

Understanding Preferir


Note that the stem change occurs in all forms except nosotros and vosotros.

Ways to Express Preferences

  • Direct Object Construction When comparing two things directly: “Prefiero el verano” (I prefer summer)
  • Infinitive Construction For comparing actions: “Prefiero dormir temprano” (I prefer to sleep early)
  • Comparative Construction with “a” For explicit comparisons between things or actions: “Prefiero el cine a la televisión” (I prefer cinema to television) “Prefiero caminar a correr” (I prefer walking to running)
  • Que Construction For expressing preferences about others’ actions: “Prefiero que vengamos mañana” (I prefer that we come tomorrow)

Real-Life Applications

  • Dining Out
    • Ordering food: “Prefiero el pescado al pollo” (I prefer the fish to the chicken)
    • Making reservations: “Prefiero una mesa junto a la ventana” (I prefer a table by the window)
  • Travel
    • Transportation choices: “Prefiero viajar en tren a viajar en autobús” (I prefer traveling by train to traveling by bus)
    • Accommodation: “Prefiero los hoteles pequeños” (I prefer small hotels)
  • Daily Life
    • Work preferences: “Prefiero trabajar por la mañana” (I prefer to work in the morning)
    • Social plans: “Preferimos cenar en casa” (We prefer to have dinner at home)

Key Points to Remember

  1. Use present tense for general preferences: “Prefiero el café” (I prefer coffee) rather than “he preferido”
  2. With “preferir que,” use the subjunctive: “Prefiero que vayas ahora” (I prefer that you go now)
  3. “Preferir” vs “gustar”:
    • “Me gusta el té” (I like tea)
    • “Prefiero el té” (I prefer tea – implies a choice)

Common Expressions

  • “¿Qué prefieres?” – What do you prefer?
  • “Como prefieras” – As you prefer
  • “Preferiría…” – I would prefer… (more formal)
  • “Lo prefiero así” – I prefer it this way

Remember, “preferir” is your go-to verb for expressing choices and preferences in Spanish. Use it whenever you want to compare options or state your preferences clearly in any situation.

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