The use of “que” with gustar for actions: Me gusta que + subjunctive

When you want to express that you like or dislike when someone does something in Spanish, you’ll need to master the “gustar que” construction. This structure combines the verb “gustar” with a dependent clause using the subjunctive mood.

The Basic Structure

The formula follows this pattern: [indirect object pronoun] + gusta(n) + que + [subject] + [verb in subjunctive]

For example:

  • Me gusta que mis amigos me visiten (I like it when my friends visit me)
  • Le gusta que su hijo estudie medicina (She likes it when her son studies medicine)
  • Nos gusta que la profesora explique todo (We like it when the teacher explains everything)

Why Use the Subjunctive?

The subjunctive is required after “gustar que” because you’re expressing a reaction or emotion about an action. This emotional component triggers the subjunctive mood, reflecting how the action affects you rather than simply stating that it happens.

Common Variations

Negative Statements

  • No me gusta que llegues tarde (I don’t like it when you arrive late)
  • No les gusta que hablemos inglés en clase (They don’t like it when we speak English in class)


  • ¿Te gusta que tu hermano toque la guitarra? (Do you like it when your brother plays the guitar?)
  • ¿Les gusta que viajemos juntos? (Do they like it when we travel together?)

Different Subjects

You can use different subjects in the main and dependent clauses:

  • Me gusta que tú cocines (I like it when you cook)
  • Te gusta que yo cante (You like it when I sing)
  • Les gusta que nosotros bailemos (They like it when we dance)

Related Expressions

The same structure applies to similar expressions of emotion:

  • Me encanta que vengas a visitarme (I love it when you come to visit me)
  • Me molesta que no me escuches (It bothers me when you don’t listen to me)
  • Me sorprende que sepas tanto español (It surprises me that you know so much Spanish)

Time Relationships

The tense of “gustar” can change while maintaining the subjunctive in the dependent clause:

  • Me gustaba que vinieras a verme (I used to like it when you came to see me)
  • Me gustará que participen todos (I will like it when everyone participates)
  • Me gustaría que me ayudaras (I would like it if you would help me)

Remember: The subjunctive is always required after “gustar que” regardless of the tense of “gustar” itself. This construction allows you to express your feelings about others’ actions in a natural, Spanish way.

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